The discussion in Pre-SIP: A Syntax for Collection Literals makes the same point again and again: the Seq collection literals should be present to make the language more approachable. Similar sentiments sometimes appear in other pre-SIP topics.
I would like to voice opinion here you are solving the wrong problem. The real obstacles to Scala accessibility are different, mostly in the area of tooling, build pipelines and likes. Once you stop playing with toy examples and programming exercises and start doing something real, having a beautiful language is not enough.
I have already made this point before (e.g. in Scala 3 porting experiences - Question - Scala Users):
I would like to ask the responsible people to consider concentrating more on making the things we already have (compiler, libraries, build tools, IDEs) to be really usable than to sail fast forward to a bright future, leaving poor blokes like me behind
This was about a year ago, but the situation stays mostly the same: the language is evolving to a beauty, while the practical life stays complicated.
As an illustration: Recently I created a small plugin for IntelliJ, and considering myself a seasoned Scala developer, what other language could I choose? I started with Scala, but after several hours I gave up, I have tried Kotlin instead and finished my job within an hour - not because Kotlin is better language, but because the Gradle based Kotlin plugin build pipeline is working, is well documented, and I did not hit any rough edges or major obstacles.
I would also like to note year later my hope that staying with LTS will make the situation with tools better was shown to be unsubstantiated: at least with IntellliJ most problems I have are related to givens and opaque types, which are all LTS features, not anything from Next.