They haven’t been published yet. This is entirely my fault. I intend to get to all of them this month. (I am working longer hours again and have more time to devote to Center stuff than I did during most of 2024.)
In the meantime, though, I can state what the minutes will also say:
The main sources of information on what the Center has been up to is the Scala blog (Blog | The Scala Programming Language) and the updates that are posted here on the contributors forum. The 2024 roadmap was:
On the engineering side, the most work has happened on Metals and sbt 2, but there’s been progress on other fronts as well. The Center has a new blog post in the works focused on engineering updates — stay tuned for that.
On the blog, the post of greatest importance was the one on Scala governance:
Establishing these new governance structures was a primary focus for the Center in 2024.
Activity on Scala Center proposals can be tracked at GitHub - scalacenter/advisoryboard: Scala Center Advisory Board planning . Proposals can be submitted by member companies or via the community reps, Zainab Ali and Eugene Yokota.
The proposals news for 2024 is:
- SCP-032 (“Provide guidance on choosing between Scala LTS and Next”), submitted by Zainab, was accepted and since been completed by the Center
- SCP-033 (“Deprecate Eclipse Scala IDE”), also submitted by Zainab, also accepted and completed
- SCP-034 (“Artifact publishing”) was recently submitted by community rep Eugene Yokota and will be discussed at our next meeting
JetBrains has joined the board; some other companies have left. Zainab is new to the board as of March 2024 (as already announced on the blog). The officers remain the same.
The Center has fewer engineers now. In order to hire more again, the Center would need additional funding. I hope anyone interested in Scala’s health and success will encourage their employers to support the Center by joining the advisory board: Scala Center at EPFL
I can’t think of anything else of importance that the minutes will contain.