I am afraid this will perhaps sound a bit harsh. I am daily IntelliJ user and in spite of all shortcomings I still consider IDEA IDE to be the best for my purpose. That said, the image conveyed by the words above does not reflect the reality which is: Scala 3 support is seriously lacking in IntelliJ, esp. the highlighting and type inference is inferior compared to excellent Scala 2 support I have been used to.
Besides of named tuples there are opaque types, extensions and givens, which are older and more fundamental features, in my opinion. I have reported more than 10 issues regarding those features - most of them cause my project sources being significantly red.
I understand this takes a lot of effort and I do not expect this to be solved immediately, I understand the JetBrains team may have different priorities, but at least I would like the problem to be acknowledged.
I do not pretend to know the solution, but acting like a problem does not exist is certainly not a solution.