Should extension methods works with Dynamic trait?

I would like the following code works:

def test1(): Unit = {
    val a = Some("hello")

    val b = a.!.length
    val c = a.!.toUpperCase

I can implements the ! as:

import scala.language.dynamics

implicit final class Boxed[T](val a: T) extends AnyVal, Dynamic:
    inline transparent def selectDynamic(inline name: String): Any = ${ BoxedMacro.selectDynamicImpl[T]('{ a }, '{ name } )}

opaque type OpaueBox[T] = T
extension [T](a: OpaueBox[T])
    inline def selectDynamic(inline name: String): Any = ${ BoxedMacro.selectDynamicImpl[T]('{ a }, '{ name } )}

object BoxedMacro:

    import scala.quoted.*
    // a demo implementation for fast test 
    def selectDynamicImpl[T: Type](container: Expr[T], selector: Expr[String])(using Quotes): Expr[Any] =
        import quotes.reflect.*

        val container2: Expr[Option[String]] = container.asExprOf[Option[String]]
        selector.value match
            case Some("length") =>
                '{ $ => x.length) }
            case Some("toUpperCase") =>
                '{ $ => x.toUpperCase) }
            case Some(name@_) =>
                report.error(s"selector ${name} Not found")
                '{ None }
            case None =>
                report.error(s"selector is not a constant")
                '{ None }

extension [T](a: Option[T])
    inline def ! : Boxed[Option[T]] = Boxed(a)  // this works
    // inline def ! : OpaueBox[Option[T]] = a  // this does not work

by using the AnyVal implicit, it works, but the generate byte code is something complex, it called a empty Boxed method and checkcast multi times.

      12: aload_1
      13: invokevirtual #51                 // Method Main$package$.Boxed:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;  
      16: checkcast     #53                 // class scala/Option
      19: astore_3
      20: aload_3
      21: checkcast     #53                 // class scala/Option

       // $3 = $1, so bytecode 12..21 is redundancy code 

      24: invokedynamic #72,  0             // InvokeDynamic #0:apply:()Lscala/Function1;
      29: invokevirtual #76                 // Method scala/;)Lscala/Option;
      32: astore_2

I world like to using the opaque type which has no runtime cost, but it looks the extension not works with Dynamic method(selectDynamic).

So, My question is: Can Scala3 support extension methods works with Dynamic trait? If it can’t, Why it can’t?


I don’t think that class Boxed has to be an implicit class for it to work.

With a little hack I can make the opaque type work. But perhaps that partly defeats the purpose of an opaque type… And I’m not sure that it will make much difference in the bytecode.

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scala> object Test:
     |   opaque type Box[A] <: Dynamic = A & Dynamic
     |   extension [A](box: Box[A])
     |     inline def selectDynamic(name: String): String = "calling " + name
     |   extension [A](a: A)
     |     inline def ! : Box[A] = a.asInstanceOf[A & Dynamic]
// defined object Test

scala> import Test.*

scala> Option(3).!.foo
val res0: String = calling foo

[quote=“Jasper-M, post:2, topic:6496”]

Your solution works well. and I check the bytecode, there is still some redundant code, but it looks this code can be easily erased in JIT step.

    val a = Some("hello")

    val b: Option[Int] = a.!.length

       0: getstatic     #36                 // Field scala/Some$.MODULE$:Lscala/Some$;
       3: ldc           #38                 // String hello
       5: invokevirtual #42                 // Method scala/Some$.apply:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/Some;
       8: astore_1                        // $1 = Some("hello")

       9: getstatic     #47                 // Field Box$.MODULE$:LBox$;
      12: astore_3
      13: getstatic     #47                 // Field Box$.MODULE$:LBox$;
      16: astore        5
      18: aload         5
      20: astore        6

      // 9..20 is redundant code, which maybe erased by JIT.

      22: aload_1
      23: astore        4
      25: aload         4
      27: invokedynamic #67,  0             // InvokeDynamic #0:apply:()Lscala/Function1;
      32: invokevirtual #73                 // Method scala/;)Lscala/Option;
      35: astore_2.                             // $2 = $ f )

there is no checkcast bytecode.