But ideally all serious tooling should have been updated before the public release of a new version. And if that’s not feasible for a specific tool it should warn you to delay updating until it’s caught up, which shouldn’t be very long.
Perhaps a good solution would be to have LTS not be a branch so much as a rolling version tag, perhaps with a less confusing name.
“Edge” would be the most current version that has been released.
“Stable” would be the most current version that has full support in a blessed subset of the tooling (at least Mill, Sbt, Metals, Scalafmt, Intellij, Scalafix, and VSCode), and gets bumped as quickly as the tooling catches up.
This way we can point newcomers and those with lower tolerance for tooling shenanigans at the most recent version that will provide them the experience they need, and still keep them as close to up to date as possible.
It would also provide a way to easily track the current state of tooling support.
That is true, we only use LTS at work. And I think Scala should publish a LTS update release along with a Next Scala, we should publishing the LTS release more regularly.
This was true until April 11, but it is not anymore.
What about creating a milestone of 3.3.4 now? I see no milestone. it’s nearly 8 weeks since 3.3.3 released:)
Could we just annotate the buttons on scala-lang to make it more clear? Something similar to this: