Scala accessibility - tooling vs. language

That was just an illustration. If you want to check issues I have met so far, besides the SCL tracker I have already linked there is also this - I try to report all issues I meet (although I have to admit sometimes I get tired and give up), I just did not think this list is the place to do so.

It seems the people directing language development would like to see the Scala usage to increase. My opinion is there are other things more important than new language features for this to happen, and like I am reporting issues for Scala compiler and other tools I use, I am voicing this here, thinking someone might be interested in my opinion, even when perhaps not agreeing, and hoping there perhaps exist other people which share this opinion, and if they will show their agreement here, the people directing the language development might adjust their priorities.

I do not expect them to actually work on tooling, but perhaps when developing new features, there could be more effort dedicated to make sure they work well with existing tooling, maybe by providing better documentation, maybe by making the SIP process more open and documented, maybe be even providing some assistance to tool makers?

One particular post suggesting something concrete in this direction is Pre-SIP: A Syntax for Collection Literals - #32 by eed3si9n