Scala 2.13.14 release planning

In scala/scala, I created the 2.13.15 milestone and moved most open PRs there. 2.13.14 should stay modest and focused on fixing regressions. Hoping to announce a release candidate within the next week or so, for release near the end of March.

if you feel a particular PR shouldn’t have been postponed, feel free to comment on the PR and say so.

remaining open 2.13.14 PRs: Pull requests · scala/scala · GitHub

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Winding the 2.13 PR queue down took longer than expected, but we’re now very close. We hope to announce a release candidate this week.

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Hopefully last PR merged; waiting for community build results now.


Community build green, but we also added JDK 22 to our CI matrix and there are some test failures we’re still looking into.


Test failures addressed. Waiting for new community build results. Optimistic we’ll have a release candidate tomorrow (Friday).


The 2.13.14 release candidate is 2.13.14-bin-a527019. Please test!

Draft release notes at Scala 2.13.14 draft release notes — feedback welcome. has instructions on using Scala 2 nightlies.

We allow a minimum of one week for testing, so we won’t release before Monday, April 29.


I finally got around to testing Scala.js with this RC. I managed to make it work with the following build-time amendment:

set scalalibInternal.v2_13/Compile/sources ~= { val excludes = Set("Any.scala", "AnyRef.scala", "Nothing.scala", "Null.scala", "Singleton.scala"); prev => prev.filterNot(f => f.getParentFile.getName == "scala" && excludes.contains(f.getName)) }

Back from vacation on time.

I built the Scala Plugin for IntelliJ using 2.13.14-bin-a527019. Everything went well. Thank you.


2.13.14 JARs are now on Maven Central.

Tooling and compiler plugin maintainer powers, activate! Please publish support.

We won’t announce before Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (a minimum of 48 hours from now).

draft release notes: Scala 2.13.14 draft release notes by SethTisue · Pull Request #869 · scala/scala-dev · GitHub


Scala.js 1.16.0 support for 2.13.14 is on its way to Maven Central.

I might not do earlier releases, as it’s a bit more complicated than usual, unless there is specific demand for it.


Scala Native 0.5.1 support for 2.13.14 is also on it’s way to Maven Central.
Similarly to Scala.js we do not release for previous versions this time


We’ve published Scala Native artifacts for additional versions, 0.5.0 and 0.4.12…0.4.17

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Bumped into an error by just increasing the Scala version from 2.13.13 to 2.13.14 in Play, please take a look at [3.0.x] Scala 2.13.14 by mkurz · Pull Request #12576 · playframework/playframework · GitHub, thanks!

Replied on the PR. Migration warnings from -Xsoruce:3 are emitted as errors by default. On 2.13.13, combining it with -Xmigration was equivalent to adding -Wconf:cat=scala3-migration:w, but we removed that awkward shortcut in #10709.

I have signoffs from Seb and Tomasz, and all the major tooling is in place, so it looks we’ll be announcing in 7 hours unless some last-minute information comes in.


If anyone is trying out -Xsource-features, be sure and look at the doc revisions at Thoroughly rework instructions for `-Xsource:3` in Scala 2.13.14 by som-snytt · Pull Request #2994 · scala/docs.scala-lang · GitHub — the PR will be merged at announcement time.

We’re live! Release Scala 2.13.14 · scala/scala · GitHub


Would it be possible to publish with Scala.js 1.15.0 support? We stay on 1.15.0 currently in Twirl’s stable branch and run into 404s now: Patch updates · playframework/twirl@6026d0f · GitHub

Scala.js 1.15.0 support for 2.13.14 is on its way to Maven Central.


Thank you!