Scala 2.13.13 release planning

Things are progressing. We’re down to four open PRs on the 2.13.13 milestone

With luck, we’ll have a release candidate in a week or so? Knock on wood.

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Oh, I should have mentioned: we should hold 2.13.13 until 3.4.0 is released, so that 2.13.13 will be able to read 3.4 TASTy. 3.4.0-RC2 just came out, so we are optimistic that 3.4.0 won’t take too much longer.

GitHub issue is TASTy reader should support Scala 3.4 · Issue #12932 · scala/bug · GitHub

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We are very nearly done winding down the 2.13.x PR queue for the release. We hope/expect to merge just one more PR (finalizing support for Scala 3.4 in the TASTy reader) and then announce a release candidate early next week.

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Scala 2.13.13 draft release notes:

If you have any suggested improvements to the notes themselves, you can comment on this pull request.


The 2.13.13 release candidate is 2.13.13-bin-17c0c74. Please test! has instructions on using Scala 2 nightlies.

Draft release notes at Scala 2.13.13 draft release notes by SethTisue · Pull Request #861 · scala/scala-dev · GitHub — feedback welcome.

We’ll allow a minimum of one week for testing, so we won’t release before Tuesday, February 20.


Scala.js 1.15.0 passes, although I had to turn fatal-warnings off in two projects. Sorry for the late testing.


I built the Scala Plugin for IntelliJ using 2.13.13-bin-17c0c74 and ran all tests against the RC. Everything went well. Thank you for the release.


I’m sorry another Valentine’s Day passed with no 2.14 release, but thank-you to the Scala Team Members at Lightbend for their continued attention.

Off now to read the latest “Lightbend Monthly” before bedtime.

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2.13.13 JARs are now on Maven Central.

Tooling and compiler plugin maintainer powers, activate! Please publish support.

We won’t announce before Friday, February 23, 2024.


Scala.js 1.15.0 for 2.13.13 is on its way to Maven Central.

I will do earlier versions tomorrow.

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Scala Native 0.4.{13-17} compiler plugins for 2.13.13 are on their way to Maven Central

We’ve found a regression in compilation for scaladoc when using Scala 3 defined symbols. It might affect users publishing Scala 2.13 artifacts/documentation for projects using Scala 3 ADTs. It does not affect normal compilation.


I’ll mention the Scaladoc / TASTy reader regression in the release notes — doesn’t seem worth withdrawing the release over.

Most tooling is now in place, but not quite all, so no announcement today — perhaps Monday.

The JLine upgrade in 2.13.13 broke the console command in sbt. Eugene just released sbt 1.9.9 to fix it. I’ll mention in the release notes that 2.13.13 users should upgrade to 1.9.9 (if they want to use the REPL from sbt, anyway).

Metals support is now in place and other key tooling has published, so it looks like we’re all set to announce first thing Monday (US West Coast time). Please raise any doubts soon if you have them.

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Not sure what’s the actual Problem but upgrading Play to the latest Scala version makes MiMa raise an error:

@SethTisue maybe you can take a look what’s going on here? Thanks!

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The Play issue has been sorted out. We added some wordings to the release notes to even more strongly encourage users of -Xsource:3 to consider using -Xsource:3-cross instead.

2.13.13 is now fully announced! Thanks to everyone who participated, even in the smallest way.


Some library authors who were already using -Xsource:3 are getting MiMa failures when upgrading to 2.13.13 and switching from -Xsource:3 to -Xsource:3-cross. If you’re in this situation, you may need to wait for 2.13.14. See Case companions no longer extends FunctionN under `-Xsource:3-cross`, breaks binary compatibility · Issue #12961 · scala/bug · GitHub for details.

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A new section of the Scala 3 Migration Guide documents -Xsource:3 and -Xsource:3-cross: Scala 2 with -Xsource:3 | Scala 3 Migration Guide | Scala Documentation

This is also now linked from the 2.13.13 release notes.

The new boolean-literals lint in 2.13.13 (see release notes) has been at least somewhat controversial; I suspect we will adjust it for 2.13.14. Y’all can give feedback on how you think we should proceed here: Demote -Xlint:named-booleans to -Wnamed-literal and tweak noise level by som-snytt · Pull Request #10704 · scala/scala · GitHub