I also released "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-stubs" % "1.0.0" (final, identical to 1.0.0-RC1) for 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13 (this is a JVM-only artifact).
I published the following Scala.js-specific artifacts for 0.6.x and 1.0.0-M8 with Scala 2.13.0:
My publishing tasks for 2.13.0 are now over. Enjoy all those shiny new artifacts over the week-end, and see you tomorrow for the SIP meeting or next week for Scala Days.
2.13.0 artifacts for scala-xml have been published, including an artifact for Scalajs 0.6.x. Scala.js 1.0.0-M8 artifacts should also be published for both 2.12 and 2.13, as well.
They’re also cross-published for Scala.js 0.6.28; skipped 1.0.0-M8 for now due to some apparent incompatibilities with Mill. I’ve dropped Scala 2.11 support, except for scala-native builds which are still stuck on that.
That’s most of the com.lihaoyi ecosystem. Still missing are Ammonite and Mill. Those may take a few more days to get out, as they have dependencies (e.g. scopt, coursier, a few others in the test suite)
Now that the core of the ecosystem is available for 2.13, the most useful section to keep up-to-date, IMO, is the links to tickets for projects that haven’t published, so people can subscribe to these tickets, politely let maintainers know a release is desired, offer to help with any needed changes, etc.
Perhaps the magical crowdsourcing powers, rather than manually updating a list of projects that haven’t published, could make scaladex do it automatically… and perhaps they could also update sbt-updates and Scala Steward to support scala versions…