Right-associative infix operations and match expression precedence surprise

It seems that a match expression does not have precedence to the right of a right-associative operation (checked it both in Scala 2 and 3):

sealed trait Dir
case object Left extends Dir
case object Right extends Dir

implicit class Ext(arg: Int) {
  def := (arg2: Int): Unit = ???

object Test {
  val dir: Dir = ???
  val x: Int = ???
  x := dir match { //error
    case Left => 2
    case Right => 4

So the compiler does (x := dir) match ... instead of x := (dir match ...).
I’m not an expert in understanding the parser spec. Is this the expected behavior? I found it incredibly surprising.

Isn’t := left-associative ?
And =: would be right-associative

Yes, I made several tests. Pasted the wrong example. For right associative it’s a different error, but still an error.

In any case, even without right-associativity, assignment operators should have the lowest priority nonetheless, no? How can match have a lower priority to an assignment?


Expr1        ::=  
               |  [SimpleExpr ‘.’] id ‘=’ Expr
               |  PostfixExpr
               |  PostfixExpr ‘match’ ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’ // more specific
PostfixExpr  ::=  InfixExpr ...
InfixExpr    ::=  PrefixExpr
               |  InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr // a op b

From this it seems the regular assignment = has a slightly higher priority than the match (both are Expr1, but the assignment comes before), but this is not the case of infix expressions (InfixExpr), even if the operator contains the = symbol (because it simply isn’t checked)