Removing "contributors" team on GitHub

When we migrated off JIRA onto GitHub issues, we created a “contributors” team in the Scala organization ( to be able to import issue assignments to scala/bug.

But now, some years later, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for the team to exist anymore, so we deleted it.

I don’t know if deleting the team caused any notifications to be issued. If you get a notification and are wondering about it — or if you just happen to notice the change — well, that’s what this post is for.

We promise this change doesn’t mean we love and appreciate you any less — not even a tiny bit!


It did look kinda cool on my profile :slight_smile:


I did get an e-mail notification about it.

I agree, but we’re still in the Scala organization (for now :sweat_smile:) so it shouldn’t make a difference.

As a footnote to this,

GitHub won’t let you assign a ticket to just any user, but it will let you assign the user if they comment on the ticket first. So that’s the new way we can assign tickets to contributors who are not committers — ask them to comment.

(It’s a bit of extra effort, but it’s less effort than before, when we had to invite someone to the old “contributors” team and then wait for them to accept the invitation.)

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