Question about building scala and sbt proper

Bootstrapping Scala is basically impossible. You will not be able to get around the fact that to compile Scala 2.12.0, you will need Scala 2.12.0-RC2, to compile Scala 2.12.0-RC2 you will need Scala 2.12.0-RC1-1e81a09, to compile Scala 2.12.0-RC1-1e81a09 you will need Scala 2.12.0-RC1-ceaf419, you can keep going back this way in theory until you get to Scala 1 from 15 years ago, which is written in PiCo, a language which is basically Java-with-pattern-matching and whose source code was never released, so at that point you’ll need to write your own compiler.

I don’t know how Scala 2.11.8 got in Debian, but it’s impossible that it got it in through a full bootstrapping process, they must have cheated, so you’ll have to cheat again to upgrade it.