Extension val and objects.
These are like extension methods except they are objects and vals instead.
Currently I need to write this which is not quite the same:
object MyService {
object Live {
val member = ()
trait LayerCompanion {
def member: Unit
extension (c: MyService.type) {
def InMemory = new LayerCompanion {
val member = ()
object AccessTest {
val x = MyService.Live.member
val y = MyService.InMemory.member
I want to be able to write this instead:
object MyService {
object Live {
val member = ()
extension (c: MyService.type) {
object InMemory {
val member = ()
object AccessTest {
val x = MyService.Live.member
val y = MyService.InMemory.member
Also being able to do this with non companion objects would be nice too:
trait Trait
extension (c: Trait) {
object InMemory {
val member = ()
object AccessTest {
val t = new Trait {}
val x = t.InMemory.member
For vals, we would require them to be lazy
Implementation can be done by using WeakHashMap
to keep extension objects and vals alive as long as the parent is alive.