The following is a proposal for a small Scala language improvement.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss the proposal, gather support or objections from users of the Scala language, get an overview (from compiler engineers) of its feasibility.
Comprehensive function application (syntax candy)
We propose to extend Scala with comprehensive function applications, a syntax to apply normal functions (or class constructors) to expressions with a wrapped type, so as to avoid using for
comprehensions. By wrapper we mean any data-type W[A]
, such as Option, List, or Future, with one type parameter and for which the map
and flatMap
operations are defined.
As an example, we want to apply dwarves
to a sequence of expressions as arguments.
def dwarves(fili: Int, kili: Char, ori: String, nori: Boolean): Double
In a plain context each argument evaluates to a plain value and the function returns a plain result. Thus, we can put those expressions inside the list of arguments, with or without parameter names, or we can extract them as local val
// auxiliary declaration
def fetchOri(): String = "In a hole"
// Direct application
dwarves((18 / 3) * 7, 'g', fetchOri(), false)
// named parameters
fili = (18 / 3) * 7,
kili = 'g',
ori = fetchOri(),
nori = false
// Local `val` declarations.
val f = (18 / 3) * 7
val k = 'g'
val o = fetchOri()
val n = false
dwarves(fili = f, kili = k, ori = o, nori = n)
However, if any expression has a wrapped type, such as Option[Int]
, we cannot apply dwarves
directly to it. We would need to remove the wrapping (which for some types like Future
is not advised), or pop the wrapping up to the caller of the function. This is often done using the flatMap
and map
operations, or alternatively a for
syntactic sugar;:
def fetchOri(): Option[String] = Some("In a hole")
// map-flatMap
val fili = (18 / 3) * 7
Some('g').flatMap { kili =>
fetchOri().map { ori =>
val nori = false
dwarves(fili, kili, ori, nori)
// for-yield
val f = (18 / 3) * 7
for {
k <- Some('g')
o <- fetchOri()
} yield dwarves(f, k, o, false)
But the first way adds some boilerplate with map
, flatMap
, nesting, and the continuation block. The for
comprehension hides some of that, but it still has the for-yield
keywords, and forces us to write all <-
bindings before the function call the local val
declarations above. What we cannot do is to directly pass those expressions with a wrapped type inside the list of arguments of the function, as we can in a plain context. We propose such a syntax, which we call of comprehensive applications, which resemble named parameters but use <-
bindings for wrapped arguments.
// comprehensive application
dwarves(fili = (18 / 3) * 7, kili <- Some('g'), ori <- fetchOri(), nori = false)
Syntax: In section 6.6 Function Applications of the Scala Language specification, modify the ArgumentExprs
category by adding a new case, that of ArgExprs
, where an ArgExprs
is a a comma-separated list of ArgExpr
, each ArgExpr
being either a) an assigned argument assignment id = Expr
, or a bound argument id <- Expr
ArgumentExprs ::= '(' [ArgExprs] ')'
ArgExprs ::= ArgExpr {',' ArgExprs}
ArgExpr ::= Expr | ArgBind
ArgBind ::= id '<-' Expr
| id = Expr
For checking symbols, for a construction of ArgExprs
the compiler should check that all the identifiers at the left hand side of either <-
or =
are parameters of the function, without repetitions, and all non-defaulted parameters appear.
Typing if a function application has at least one bound argument, then all expressions on the right hand side of a bound argument should be able to be unified to a same wrapper type. This wrapper type being the lowest upper bound of the wrapper types of all bound arguments (e.g. Some
and None
to Option
). The type inferred for the application would then be the return type of that function, lifted to the wrapper type (e.g. Option[Double]
Semantics: To reduce asymmetry between direct an indirect style, a function application with bound arguments should have a similar meaning as current functiona applications do, as specified in Section 6.6.1 of the specificaation. To this end, a function application that contains at least one binding argument should be equivalent to a block of Scala constructed as follows:
- any assigned argument before the first bound argument is extracted, either as a local
for by-value parameters or as alazy val
for by-name parameters. The order of these expressions should be the order of the arguments in the application, not the order of the parameters in the function. - any bound argument
p <- e
before the last bound argument is rewritten into ae.flatMap { p => <body> }
block. Any assigned argument following it should be extracted within the body, and the next bound argument should be the last element in the block. - the last bound argument
p <- e
should be transformed into { p => <body> }
block, where thebody
contains the rest of the arguments (extracted) and the function call.
Wrapped expressions should be un-wrapped (by map
or flatMap
) in the same order as they appear in the call, which may differ from the order of those parameters in the function definition. A bound argument for a by-name parameter would still perform the flatMap
on that expression, even if the value it yields may not be needed, whereas assigned arguments would not be evaluated.
Following this translation, the “comprehenisve application” code above is translated to the “map-flatMap” code above.
Advantages: supporting comprehensive applications has some advantages for language improvement:
- It follows on the principle of Scala as a functional language, in which function application should be the preferred way to compose expressions.
- Leaner syntax: for simple cases it makes a
comprehension, or amap
call, unnecessary. - Symmetry: it closes a gap between direct and indirect style, putting these styles just a
operator apart. - Non-intrusive: It requires no new reserved words or operators, since it reuses the
operator. - Compatible: It can be used in the same contexts and data types that a
comprehension can.
Limitations: the semantics for bound arguments is aligned with that of plain arguments, but only for by-value parameters. However, this alignment is not as clear for by-name parameters. Consider the following example:
def sloth(fili: Int, kili: => Char, ori: => String, nori: Boolean): Double =
if (nori) foo(fili, ori) else bar(fili, kili)
def lazyOri(): String = { println("Hi"), "In a hole" }
// plain call
sloth(fili = (18 / 3) * 7, kili = 'g' , ori = lazyOri() , nori = false)
// comprehensive call
sloth(fili = (18 / 3) * 7, kili <- Some('g'), ori <- Some(lazyOri()), nori = false)
// for comprehension:
for {
kili <- Some('g')
ori <- Some(lazyOri())
} yield sloth((18 / 3) * 7, kili, ori, false)
In the plain call the side effect (printing "Hi"
) is never run, since the expression is a by-name parameter that is never used. In the comprehensive call, however, it is run within a second flatMap
, since that is closer to for
comprehensions than to plain calls. Threading laziness into the function would mean altering the function code itself, which is a very different proposition.
Possible extensions, excluded from proposal
Our proposal is only focused on using named bound arguments p <- e
within some function calls. In our experience, this would avoid some frequent uses of for
comprehensions, and would be an unambiguous extension to the syntax. Nevertheless, the same idea could be applied to other constructs.
We could handle positional bound arguments by using underscores instead of parameter names, which would extend our proposal to applications of anonymous functions.
val mine: (Int, Char) => Double
mine(42, 'g') : Double
mine(_ <- Option(42), 'g') : Option[Double]
Likewise, we could support binary operations by writing such anonymous bindings inside parentheses.
42 + 13 : Int
(_ <- Some(42)) + 13 : Option[Int]
// translated to
Some(42).map(_ + 13)
In particular, we could add an ad-hoc translation for short-cut boolean operators, to avoid a second map or flatMap if an operand is not needed.
primQ: Option[Boolean]
quinQ: Option[Boolean]
(_ <- primQ) || (_ <- quinQ)
// normal, strict-bindings , translation
primQ.flatMap { q => { a || b} }
// short-cut translation
primQ.flatMap { q => if (q) Some(true) else quinQ }
We could use a similar syntax inside the conditions of an if
expressions (always in parentheses for Scala 3), with the net effect of lifting the results of both branches.
if (cond) "fili" else "kili" : String
(if (_ <- condF()) "fili" else "kili" ): Option[String]
Ultimately, we could also add binding local declarations val id <- expr
, inside blocks (like function bodies). This would turn the rest of the block, from the first binding to the end, into a silent for
// for comprehensions
val techpoint: Option[Int] =
for {
x <- foo()
y <- bar()
} yield x + y + 1
// Binding `val` declarations
val techpoint: Option[Int] = {
val x <- foo()
val y <- bar()
x + y + 1
However, it is not clear how much ambiguity this would cause when combined with the rest of the language syntax. Furthermore, the overuse of underscores could not help to make the Scala language clearer. Perhaps it could be provided with caution.
Similar or related work
Haskell has its idiomatic way of dealing with wrapped values. All functions are currified: they all take one parameter and are applied using the binary $
operator (or whitespace). In a similar way, the Applicative type class defines two binary operations, <$>
and <*>
, that mimic to a degree the same application syntax.
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(+) $ 1 $ 2 -- 3
(+) <$> Just 1 <*> Just 2 -- Just 3
// Our example in Haskell
dwarves :: Int -> Char -> String -> Boolean -> Double
fetchOri :: Maybe String
dwarves <$> pure ((18 / 3) * 7) <*> Some('g') <*> fetchOri <*> pure false
The Idris language, which is close to Haskell, provides a feature of Idiom brackets for lifting function applications to wrapped types. This syntax is inspired by the article Applicative programming with effects. With this syntax, a function application over wrapped types is written between [|
and |]
delimiters. To the best of our understanding, our example would be written as:
[| dwarves ((18 / 3) * 7) 'g' fetchOri false |]
In cats
, the Apply
type-class defines a set of [mapN
functions(implemented, implemented with sbt-boilerplate
, with which one can write a tuple of wrapped values and apply a function to the results they yield.
( Some('g'), fetchOri()).map2((18 / 3) * 7, _, _, false)
This sometimes sidesteps the for
-comprehensions, but it is not totally convenient. First, with the mapN
combinator one writes the arguments first and the function afterwards, a reversed style that looks strange. Second, because a function is passed in eta form, once a function has too many parameters it can be hard to track the relation between arguments and parameters. It should also be noted that cats
provides other combinators such as tupled
and parMapN
, for other purposes.
better-monadic-for is a compiler plugin for Scala 2 that fixes some known snags and puzzler of for
comprehensions, and improves the desugaring of the basic for
to allow some redundant operations. It does not provide a syntax for function applications. This improvements were submitted for consideration into the language in Pre-SIP: improve for-comprehensions functionality.
Monadless implements as an alternative to for
comprehensions with two Scala macros. The lift
macro denotes a block of code inside of which wrapped types are composed. Within it, the unlift
function marks extracting the value from an expression of a wrapped type. To the best of our understanding, our example would be written with monadless
as follows:
lift {
dwarves( 18 / 3 * 7, unlift(Some('g')), unlift(fetchOri()), false )
This code needs no parameter names, the calls to unlift
are not more noisy than the <-
operator, and it just adds one nesting level. Nevertheless, monadless
has a wider scope than our proposal, since it supports more complex expressions and statements. Although such a change would have some benefits that make it worth exploring, it could also seems a bit more difficult than this proposal.