Consider example:
// class you have no access to (e.g. some java class)
final class Foo() {
def foo(x: Int): Unit = ()
// write an adapter
trait FooAdapter:
def foo(x: String): Unit
object FooAdapter:
def apply(impl: Foo): FooAdapter = new FooAdapter { export impl.* }
The problem here is - you should write an interface by hand, which creates a lot of boilerplate for huge classes and there is no solution for this problem yet
I propose to create a language feature.
Consider keyword adapts
which generates code above.
trait FooAdapter adapts Foo
I guess alternative solution here is to create a macro annotation, but there is no way to create a trait or abstract class with Quotes API.
trait FooAdapter:
type Adapted = Foo
class adapter extends MacroAnnotation {
override def transform(using quotes: Quotes)(
tree: quotes.reflect.Definition
): List[quotes.reflect.Definition] =
import quotes.reflect.*
tree match
case cls @ ClassDef(name, constr, parents, valDef, stmts) =>
val tpt = stmts
.collectFirst { case TypeDef("Adapted", tpt: TypeTree) => tpt }
val methodSymbols =
(tpt.tpe.typeSymbol.methodMembers.toSet -- TypeRepr.of[Object].typeSymbol.methodMembers).toList
cls = Symbol.newClass(
parent = Symbol.spliceOwner,
name = name,
parents = List(TypeRepr.of[Object]),
decls = classSym => { sym =>
parent = classSym,
name =,
tpe =
selfType = None
parents = List(TypeTree.of[Object]),
body =, _ => None))
// companion definition
case _ =>