True, I have been using Scala also since 2.7 (which is around 15 years ago, wow time flies)
I am also on a M4 Max Pro, and yes Scala does take a while to compile. But so does any strongly typed language, Rust/C++/Haskell (with enough features) also take long amount of time. In fact I think that C++ is strictly worse than Scala in this sense, Rust might be as well.
Obviously when compared against Go or C, its much slower but at the same time those languages don’t actually do as much as Scala does (A lot of the logic in those languages are suspended at runtime which has its own issues)
There is also incremental compilation to help with this, a fresh compile isn’t done that often.
You can set Intellij to use sbt to import a project which helps. Also as a comparison, right now I am forced use a 1 year old version of Intellij with my kotlin project because otherwise Intellij runs out of memory and hogs all of the CPU (just an example of grass is always greener on the other side).
True but it is massively improving
I am aware of this sentiment, from my experience when people leave its often an emotive triggered/response and they don’t usually leave the language for the reason they state. Using your example, an IDE failing to import a project is usually the straw that breaks a camels back but the real reason/s are often something else.
Also I think its good to put some perspective here, Scala is often used in high complex non trivial projects and because of this there is some heuristic bias. To put it differently, the vast majority of Java/Kotlin projects are much simpler in structure than Scala ones (talking about build level complexity here).
This means that people get a skewed impression, because the typical type of Java/Kotlin project in Scala has no issues in being imported by Intellij or Metals, and if thats all of what Scala had to deal with than peoples opinions would be different.
And if those projects are as equivalently complex as the Scala ones then they are often much worse than the equivalent Scala experience. One ironic experience is that back in the day, there was an sbt-android plugin that was significantly better than the kotlin/gradle plugin when it came to user experience (because sbt has principled solutions for problems like caching and classloader isolation which Gradle still doesn’t have). The issue was the project was a solo man project and never got proper support from any of the relevant communities so it essentially died.