PolyFunType syntax consistency with TypeLambda

Hi everyone. I was wondering, why it was decided to use => in
PolyFunType :: = HKTypeParamClause '=>' Type?

Wouldn’t it be better if it was consistent with type lambdas?

For example,

[T <: AnyVal] =>> List[T] => List[(T, T)]

instead of current

[T <: AnyVal] => List[T] => List[(T, T)]

After all, =>> is for types and => is for terms, aren’t they?

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Hi @azolotko. It is indeed tempting to try and bring the different lambda syntaxes more in line with each other. Unfortunately, your proposal would lead to ambiguities.
We need to be able to determine whether [A] => B => C denotes a polymorphic function value (i.e., the type corresponding to def f[A](b: B): C), or whether it denotes a type lambda (i.e., the type corresponding to type F[A] = B => C.
We currently solve the ambiguity by writing the latter [A] =>> B => C, and leaving the former as is.

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Thank you. Could you please suggest where I can find explanation of why the distinction needs to be preserved? It seems if we apply some type to both types, we will get a type B => C in return. I feel like I lack understanding of some important part of Scala’s/Scala compiler’s design here.

One year ago, I proposed to unify the two concepts:

The main arguments against, IIRC, were:

  • It could be confusing for users (though personally, I’m not sure it would be more confusing than having different lambda syntaxes).

  • It would require some measure of kind polymorphism, and would probably not be easy to implement in the compiler. See @smarter’s message in the discussion mentioned above:

    in this PR, the type [T] -> A => B is a subtype of Any , whereas with real polymorphic values it would be a subtype of [T] => Any

Note that currently, only a few rather arcane dependent subtype systems unify the two concepts, so it’s not so much of an obvious thing to do.