June 5th Seattle: Join free Scala Community Spree/Hackathon

The Scala Center will be hosting a free Open Source Spree co-located with Scala Days in Seattle (June 5th 2023), its free to attend!

:sparkles:We are looking for OSS maintainers to join with their projects! If you’re interested, do sign up as a maintainer!

Also feel free to join as a participant, i.e. get mentored on projects such as Scala CLI, Scala 3 compiler, etc.

:link:More info: GitHub - scalacenter/sprees: Scala Open Source Sprees: join us and learn how to contribute to open source!
:link:Sign up: Scala Spree Registration

PS: We will also host a spree June (either 9th or 10th) in San Francisco, check the GitHub repo for updates.