Is it possible to disable ads in the comments feed on the blog?

I’m sorry for always being “that guy” who’s complaining about ads, but is it possible to disable them? Luckily, these ads aren’t NSFW (unlike those that were on the documentation site) but it would be great if we could not have them?

(I don’t actually know anything about how Disqus works, except that I’ve seen many pages without them, so I assume there must be some way of making them go away. Apologies if I’m mistaken and this is harder than I thought)


I think it adds disqus depending on the post preamble. Perhaps we should remove it and always refer to a discourse thread? Maybe hard to do for older posts…

Ping @heathermiller, @SethTisue


There is a pending task with two possible solutions, I don’t remember the number but it was as follows:

  • Use discourse and get rid entirely of Disqus (dunno if previous discussions would be saved)
  • Continue using Disqus and disable ads for paid subscriptions or non-profit organisations

And if I recall correctly a request to Disqus to disable the ads was already made weeks ago but no answer was received.

I hope I’ve been helpful

Perhaps we should remove it and always refer to a discourse thread?


Disqus, and the ads that came with it, are gone now as per

issues with using Discourse instead are being sorted out at

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