Incorrect compiler error "Unable to emit reference to method" with 3-RC2

A form if this post was originally posted on ‘Scala-Users’ with confirmation that it looks like compiler error.

The following line of code does not compile with Scala 3.0.0-RC2 (no errors in Scala 2):


It produces an error:

Unable to emit reference to method clearSelection in class MultipleSelectionModelBase, class MultipleSelectionModelBase is not accessible in class TableViewSpec

However, the following code, that adds a helper variable h1, will compile:

val h1 = tableView.selectionModel.value

This will compile as well:



def apply(): T = value

but this will not:

val h2 = tableView.selectionModel

with similar error:

Unable to emit reference to method clearSelection in class MultipleSelectionModelBase, class MultipleSelectionModelBase is not accessible in class TableViewSpec

This error happens in ScalaFX code base. I was looking at reducing code to reproduce the behavior it, but I do not see yet a clear way do that (help appreciated).

Some background on clearSelection(). It is defined “public” in a package private Java class but inherited in another “public” Java class that is used in Scala code. Here are fragments of the Java code (JavaFX) that shows relationship between types:

public abstract class TableSelectionModel<T> extends MultipleSelectionModelBase<T> {

abstract class MultipleSelectionModelBase<T> extends MultipleSelectionModel<T> {
    @Override public void clearSelection() { ... }
  • property tableView.selectionModel is of type ObjectProperty[jfxsc.TableView.TableViewSelectionModel[String]] that stores a value of type jfxsc.TableView.TableViewSelectionModel[String]. The prefix jfxsc indicates that this comes from Java package javafx.scene.control
  • method value returns that value of type jfxsc.TableView.TableViewSelectionModel[String]
  • methods clearSelection() is inherited by TableViewSelectionModel from MultipleSelectionModelBase that shows up in the error message

Ay insights what may be going on with the error?

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I think it would be good to file an issue at about this.

I do not see clear link for filing issue at do you mean

Yes, exactly.


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