Le Centre de la Scala Centrée is pleased to announce the fruits of a collaboration with the EU Commission on Reduction of Emissions (EUCRE).
A board of environmental scientists calculate that Scala compilations across the region account for approximately 0.1 degree Celsius of climate warming. It is estimated that Swiss glaciers have shrunk an additional 5% since the introduction of Scala 2.
The centre has committed to reducing the fossil fuels required for compilation by half before 2025, and to be carbon-neutral by 2030.
This will be accomplished primarily through a new build tool to be developed by the Scala Spree, to be called sbt
or “Spree Built This”.
Its core innovation is that distributed builds will share partial compilation results around the world using blockchain technology.
Active builds will run only where there is sufficient local wind or solar energy to run compilation until refchecks. (93% of the energy requirements of a compilation run are incurred by typer and patmat.)
These build servers will employ optimisation techniques recently developed at EPFL. For example, instead of performing laborious implicit resolution or, which is laboriouser, overload resolution, a server may apply a stochastic algorithm, since only one build of a given code unit is required to succeed at any time across the globe. Client compilers need only retrieve that successful build.
As an additional green feature, on cloudy, windless days, servers will automatically disable -Xlint
. In that mode, client compilers will encourage coders to remain alert using the same technology deployed in Tesla cars. (Users are required to keep their hands on the keyboard.)
The compiler tokenizer will produce crypto tokens called “frankencents”, and results published to clients will represent both a compilation unit and the monetary and environmental cost of producing the token.
In an interview, Dr Martin Odersky acknowledged that he always wanted to get into cryptocurrency and that this was a great way to finally monetise Scala.
Strategically located datacenters will be dedicated to processing student assignments for Coursera.
You can help this effort!
Your purchase of a “Save the glaciers!” t-shirt at the Scala Store will help purchase a bag of ice from the machine at EPFL which student volunteers will carry to a glacier of your choice, where it will be deposited to restore the retreating flow or is it floe.
The centre recommends all users eliminate braces where possible to conserve energy and save the planet. We did it with semicolons, we can do it again with braces! If your compiler supports it, use -Yimports
to eliminate redundant import statements. Visit le centre to learn other ways you can benefit all Scala users and have fun doing it.