Are there any plans for a specialized map type for enums (similar to java.util.EnumMap)? Enums are often used to better organize simple sets of properties. For example, instead of
trait Pixel:
val red: Byte
val green: Byte
val blue: Byte
One can write
trait Pixel:
val brightness: Map[Color, Byte]
enum Color:
case Red, Green, Blue
The latter prevents code duplication for each color by making them first-class. It also allows reuse of colors in other similar type definitions.
However, without a specialized map implementation for enums, it leads to overhead that can be prohibitive.
Thank you for the implementation proposals. I myself would have reimplemented it using an array internally. But if java.util.EnumMap can be used with a few little-known tricks, then that’s easier.
However, this is not what my post was really about (I would have posted on, otherwise). I was asking about plans to add it to the standard library, as it seems to me that enums are incomplete without it.
I would expect most Scala users to default to more ugly code, or reimplement a worse version of EnumMap, rather than discover how to get java.util.EnumMap to work for their Scala enums.