ENSIME Sponsorship successes

ENSIME http://ensime.org brings IDE-like features to your favourite text editor (Emacs, Vim, VSCode, Atom, Sublime).

For a year we have had a successful sponsorship programme and I’d like to highlight some of the great work that our sponsored students, Andrey and Vishesh, have achieved.

  1. supporting scala 2.12
  2. using a graph based indexer
  3. presentation compiler per module, allowing for better macro / compiler plugin support
  4. rewrite of the sublime plugin

In the current roadmap we have prioritised

find usages

  1. show implementing classes
  2. graph performance improvements
  3. integrated language server
  4. rewrite of vscode / atom clients in scalajs

However, our pot of sponsorship money is running out and we may not achieve these goals. If you rely on ENSIME, or would like to use it in the future, consider setting up a monthly donation via https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/ensime or getting involved with contributing to the current milestones.