Combining TupledFunction with NamedTuple

Hi! I’m currently using TupledFunction in scalamock like this:

extension [F](inline f: F)
     * Allows to get caught method arguments.
     * For multiple arguments - returns them tupled.
     * One list item per call.
     * {{{
     *   trait Foo:
     *     def foo2(x: Int, y: Int): Int
     *   val foo = stub[Foo]
     *   foo.foo2.returns(_ => 1)
     *   foo.foo2(0, 0)
     *   foo.foo2(1, 1)
     *   foo.foo2.calls // List((0, 0), (1, 1))
     * }}}
    inline def calls[Args <: NonEmptyTuple, R](
      using TupledFunction[F, Args => R]
    ): List[UntupledOne[Args]] = ???

type UntupledOne[X <: NonEmptyTuple] = X match
  case head *: EmptyTuple => head
  case _ => X

And I wonder if there is any possibility it can be improved to work with NamedTuple like this:

type NonEmptyNamedTuple = ???

extension [F](inline f: F)
     *   same as before
     * {{{  
     *   foo.foo2.calls // List((x = 0, y = 0), (x = 1, y = 1))
     * }}}
    inline def calls[Args <: NonEmptyNamedTuple, R](
      using TupledFunction[F, Args => R]
    ): List[UntupledOne[Args]] = ???

type UntupledOne[X <: NonEmptyNamedTuple] = NonEmptyTuple.DropNames[X] match
  case head *: EmptyTuple => head
  case _ => X