Collaborators wanted for Dotterweide embeddable Scala mini-IDE /


I’m making another call for interested folks to help out with the desktop editor / mini-IDE Dotterweide.

The main focus is getting Scala 3 support, which boils down to syntax highlighting, diagnostics and some semantic actions (code completion).

The latter would be done by writing an LSP client to create Metals support. Preliminary work has been done to show that this works in principle. E.g., we get compiler error diagnostics. For syntax highlighting, I’m now thinking if one can reuse the vscode textmate grammar, a test case which I have also run already. So the basic structure is already there, the basic editor is already there, but I would especially need support with the LSP endpoints, and I would also be happy if anyone wanted to work on any other aspect.

The current implementation for Scala language support is based on the Scala 2 presentation compiler (which still somehow exists in Scala 3, but probably with very different API), and syntax highlighting is based on Scalariform (also unlikely to support Scala 3).

This an open source project that I intend to bring forward in some of my spare time, so a slow pace and longer term planning are expected.