I would like to know if is possible to add a command to clear the REPL console?
Do you mean :reset
? Or like the bash command clear
Exactly like bash clear command.
Apparently this must be at least 20 characters long to post.
On the Mac Terminal app and iTerm ⌘K will clear the screen and scrollback.
Yeah, I would think a spam filter would care more about a maximum number of
characters than a minimum…
The nice thing about Discourse is that we can customize it
So, perhaps we can get rid of this weird restriction.
17 extra characters spent would probably make this message “C-I” more clear.
I for one have to bow my head in shame, and admit I don’t understand what is meant with “C-I” in this post, and could have used the extra context required by the minimum character count.
That is a key combination: Ctrl+l
Another cool trick with sbt:
in ~/.sbt/0.13/build.sbt
commands += Command.command("cls") { state =>
print("\033c") // clear char in xterm
then I use it like this: ~;cls;test
could include terminal help, including .rc
files and any jline info (if jline is used).
That l sure looks like an I. I wonder if the forum can specify the font. That was an eye, not an ell.
Cool! Someone should open a sbt ticket to keep track of this feature. Implementing it wouldn’t be hard, either!
I believe Ctrl + L should be able to clear the REPL console.
works for me (Scala 2.13.2, MacOS 15.5.5 Terminal)
2021 update:
commands += Command.command("cls") { state =>
print("\u001bc") // clear char in xterm