I resently submited a change to pekko, which changes from pattern matching to eq
for performance reason, which generates less bytecode, but very annoying.
Can Scala compiler do this for us and then no one need to write it. And you can find this kind of trick in Scala stdlib too:
* @example `Seq("a", 1, 5L).collectFirst({ case x: Int => x*10 }) = Some(10)`
def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = {
// Presumably the fastest way to get in and out of a partial function is for a sentinel function to return itself
// (Tested to be lower-overhead than runWith. Would be better yet to not need to (formally) allocate it)
val sentinel: scala.Function1[A, Any] = new AbstractFunction1[A, Any] {
def apply(a: A): AbstractFunction1[A, Any] = this
val it = iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val x = pf.applyOrElse(it.next(), sentinel)
if (x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne sentinel) return Some(x.asInstanceOf[B])
/** Aggregates the results of applying an operator to subsequent elements.
* Since this method degenerates to `foldLeft` for sequential (non-parallel) collections,
* where the combining operation is ignored, it is advisable to prefer `foldLeft` for that case.
[1] chore: Micro optimization for `collect*` operator. by He-Pin · Pull Request #983 · apache/incubator-pekko · GitHub
January 22, 2024, 10:22am
The spec requries calling equals
for case X
patterns (Pattern Matching | Scala 3.4 ).
A static analyis could in principle identify cases where X
is private and does not override equals
. But the type system is not enough for that, X
could have static type Object
but be initialized with a class that does have an override.
So I don’t see a good way of implementing this optimization.
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Could this be feasible as a method on PartialFunction
, or would allocating an Option
erase the gains?
trait PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends (A => B) { self =>
def applyOrNone[A1 <: A](a: A1): Option[B] = {
val r = applyOrElse(a, PartialFunction.ApplyOrNoneSentinel)
if (r.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne ApplyOrNoneSentinel) Some(r.asInstanceOf[B])
else None
object PartialFunction {
private val ApplyOrNoneSentinel: scala.Function1[Any, Any] = (a: Any) => this
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The idiom to use reference eq
is to match the singleton type:
scala> def f[A](xs: List[A]) = xs match { case _: Nil.type => 0 case _ => 1 }
def f[A](xs: List[A]): Int
scala> :javap #f
public <A extends java.lang.Object> int f(scala.collection.immutable.List<A>);
descriptor: (Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)I
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=2, locals=2, args_size=2
0: aload_1
1: getstatic #22 // Field scala/collection/immutable/Nil$.MODULE$:Lscala/collection/immutable/Nil$;
4: if_acmpne 9
7: iconst_0
8: ireturn
9: iconst_1
10: ireturn
StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 1
frame_type = 9 /* same */
line 1: 0
Start Length Slot Name Signature
0 11 0 this L$line8/$read$$iw;
0 11 1 xs Lscala/collection/immutable/List;
Signature: #15 // <A:Ljava/lang/Object;>(Lscala/collection/immutable/List<TA;>;)I
Name Flags
xs final
in the linked case,
pf.applyOrElse(grab(in), NotApplied) match {
case _: NotApplied.type => completeStage()
That is per spec, and not an implementation detail.