Better "cannot reduce summonFrom" error message

Hello, I have this typeclass with a custom implicit Not Found message

@implicitNotFound("${A} seems to be nullable")
sealed trait NotNull[A]

I also have a given using summonFrom

inline given instance[A]: NotNull[A] = 
  summonFrom {
    case given Nullable[A] => error("Type seems to be nullable")
    case given (A <:< AnyVal) => ...
    case given (A <:< AnyRef) => ...

My problem is that if none of the summonFrom cases matches, I get an ugly error message, not the custom message I defined in first code block.

Solution: Define a catchall case with error message

inline given instance[A]: NotNull[A] = 
  summonFrom {
    case given Nullable[A] => error("Type seems to be nullable.")
    case given (A <:< AnyVal) => ...
    case given (A <:< AnyRef) => ...
    case _ => error("${A} seems to be nullable")

This kinda works, but there is no way of interpolating the A like implicitNotFound does.

Can we replace the “cannot reduce summonFrom” with the implicitNotFound message if it exists?
Another solution would be providing a compiletime method def nameOf[A]: String that returns the type name at the call site.


You can get the name by introducing an implicit from the sourcecode library, no?

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn’t work because error needs a literal string.
Here is the code:

inline given instance[A](using inline A: sourcecode.Name): NotNull[A] = {
    summonFrom {
      case given Nullable[A] => error("Type seems to be nullable. Use .flatMap instead")
      case given (A <:< AnyVal) => NotNull.dummyInstance.asInstanceOf[NotNull[A]]
      case given (A <:< AnyRef) => NotNull.dummyInstance.asInstanceOf[NotNull[A]]
      case _ => error(s"$A seems to be a param or opaque, which we can't prove as NotNull. You need to propagate the evidence to the scope, problably something like `def foo[A: NotNull]` or `def foo[A](a: A)(using NotNull[A])`")

and here is the error message

[error] 68 | def useMapWithoutNotNullInScope[A](f: Int => A): A | Null = // Shows a compile time error suggesting to use NotNull typeclass
[error] | ^
[error] |A literal string is expected as an argument to compiletime.error. Got root.scala.StringContext.apply(
[error] | [“”,
[error] |
[error] | " seems to be a param or opaque, which we can't prove as NotNull. You need to propagate the evidence to the scope, problably something like def foo[A: NotNull] or def foo[A](a: A)(using NotNull[A])"
[error] |
[error] | : String]*
[error] |).s(
[error] | [sourcecode.Name.apply(“useMapWithoutNotNullInScope”):sourcecode.Name : Any]*
[error] |)

Hmmm… Yeah that’s because sourcecode doesn’t return the singleton, but a String. You can utilize the same mechanism sourcecode is using internally and get the real literal, but then you need a macro.

Maybe if sourcecode was modified to return a singleton it would work. But I wonder, is string interpolation allowed at all? I’m not sure that is considered as a constant even if all its part are constant.

String interpolation doesn’t work. But String concatenation is constant folded:

scala> error(A + " seems to be nullable")
1 |error(A + " seems to be nullable")
  |Foo seems to be nullable
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Pretty cool:

scala> import scala.quoted.{Type, Expr, Quotes}
     | def tpeNmeMacro[A: Type](using Quotes) = {
     |   val name =[A]
     |   Expr(name)
     | }
     | transparent inline def typeName[A] = ${tpeNmeMacro[A]}

scala> inline given instance[A]: NotNull[A] = 
     |   summonFrom {
     |     case given (A <:< AnyVal) => ???
     |     case _ => error(typeName[A] + " seems to be nullable")
     |   }

scala> summon[NotNull[String]]
1 |summon[NotNull[String]]
  |                       ^
  |                       java.lang.String seems to be nullable

Is it worth it to contribute this typeName macro to scala.compiletime? I can see anyone using summonFrom needs it to mimic the implicitNotFound functionality.

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Forgot to say thanks for the help! Works flawlessly.