Announcing Scala 3.1.2 and 3.1.3-RC2

We are happy to announce the new stable release of the compiler - 3.1.2. The new release is bringing you many improvements, including the possibility to execute short scala snippets directly from the command line and experimental support from passing settings to the macros during the compilation. Moreover, it is the first stable release of the compiler that includes our experiments with the -scala-output-version flag. We are eagerly awaiting the opinions of library authors about this feature and if they see a place for it in the broader ecosystem.

Simultaneously we have released Scala 3.1.3-RC2 - the release candidate for a surprisingly rich patch release that is expected in a few weeks. You can find the full release notes on Github.

You may wonder what happened to the 3.1.3-RC1. Its publication, unfortunately, coincided with the recent Maven Central incident. The artifacts were uploaded but were not correctly synchronized. We will try to get them re-synchronized, but in the meantime, it was easier for us to just re-publish the release as RC2.