Announcing Dotty 0.25.0-RC2

We are proud to announce Dotty 0.25.0-RC2. In this version, following feedback of the community, we have improved compilation speeds when programming with givens. We have also made some improvements to the tuple API.

You can read more about these and other changes in the blog post:

Notable Changes

  • Add experimental Scala 2 macro compat #8811
  • Have a per-run time budget for import suggestions #9167
  • Fix #9033, fix #9056: Add EmptyTuple #9049
  • Experimental Support for Dependent Type Arguments - Step 1: Parsing #8863


Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible :tada:

According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 0.24.0-RC1..0.25.0-RC2 these are:

   190  Nicolas Stucki
   175  Martin Odersky
    67  Liu Fengyun
    32  Guillaume Martres
    17  Robert Stoll
    17  bishabosha
     9  Anatolii Kmetiuk
     7  yu-croco
     6  Reto Hablützel
     5  Akhtiam Sakaev
     5  odersky
     4  Raphael Jolly
     4  Ruslan Shevchenko
     4  Olivier Blanvillain
     3  Jamie Thompson
     3  Chris Birchall
     2  Radosław Waśko
     2  Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki
     2  Eric Loots
     2  Jens Kat
     2  Miles Sabin
     2  noti0na1
     1  Krzysztof Bochenek
     1  Seth Tisue
     1  Tobias Kahlert
     1  Yilin Wei
     1  ansvonwa
     1  FabioPinheiro
     1  december32
     1  yytyd
     1  Ara Adkins
     1  squid314
     1  typeness
     1  xuwei-k
     1  Alex Zolotko
     1  Julien Richard-Foy

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter a bug, please open an issue! :pray: