private def toOptionalInt(input: Option[Int]): OptionalInt = input match {
case Some(value) => OptionalInt.of(value)
case None => OptionalInt.empty
currently, there is only asJava
which returns Optional<Integer>
private def toOptionalInt(input: Option[Int]): OptionalInt = input match {
case Some(value) => OptionalInt.of(value)
case None => OptionalInt.empty
currently, there is only asJava
which returns Optional<Integer>
Welcome to Scala 2.13.14 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 21.0.2).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import jdk.OptionConverters._
error: object OptionConverters is not a member of package jdk
scala> import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
scala> val x = Option(42)
val x: Option[Int] = Some(42)
scala> x.toJavaPrimitive
val res0: java.util.OptionalInt = OptionalInt[42]
Thanks, totally missed that