2.13.0-M4 release train

…has left the station. you can track our progress here:

This will be the first 2.13 milestone to include the new collections library.


2.13.0-pre-16e9bc1 is the candidate build. [edit: a002630512 is the final revision]

2.13.0-M4 is on sonatype staging (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/staging), built straigth from

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Was it actually built from 16e9bc1 or from https://github.com/scala/scala/commit/a0026305125dcc814097b1fbb798fe925ca9f81f which appears to fix the very publishing?

It was built from a002630512 (https://travis-ci.org/scala/scala/builds/378822420)

The release made it to maven central.


It’s fully out and announced, but initially no libraries are available (not even modules like scala-xml). That will come a little slower this time, in the coming days and weeks, as library authors absorb and adapt to the collections changes.

Keep an eye on https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md to track progress. In addition to listing available libraries, it also has links to GitHub tickets you can subscribe to for individual libraries.

Scala.js 0.6.23 released with support for 2.13.0-M4. Full release notes will come in the coming days.

For a Scala.js 1.x supporting M4, don’t hold your breath. I’ll tackle that next week.

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SethTisue http://contributors.scala-lang.org/u/sethtisue
May 15

It’s fully out and announced, but initially no libraries are available
(not even modules like scala-xml). That will come a little slower this
time, in the coming days and weeks, as library authors absorb and adapt to
the collections changes.

Keep an eye on GitHub - scala/make-release-notes: The project that generates Scala release notes.
projects-2.13.md to track progress. In addition to listing available
libraries, it also has links to GitHub tickets you can subscribe to for
individual libraries.

Seth, is there a Collections upgrade guide somewhere?


besides the M4 release notes themselves:

there’s this guide:

now available for Scala 2.13.0-M4:

  • scala-xml, scala-parser-combinators, scala-collection-compat
  • Scala.js
  • scalacheck, scalaprops
  • kind-projector, shapeless, scalaz

and more, see https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md for details

with ScalaCheck available as of today, ScalaTest and specs2 are now unblocked.

ScalaTest 3.0.6-SNAP1 is now available for Scala 2.13.0-M4 (reference)

additional libraries now available include:

  • specs2
  • scala-java8-compat
  • genjavadoc
  • machinist
  • scala-logging
  • tut

macrocompat and export-hook are both now available for 2.13.0-M4 (macrocompat has been for a while, but I don’t think it’s been mentioned in this thread before).