What's in a type alias

What I mean is, there is no non-bottom value that you can assign to this type member when it’s declared with default bounds and not refined further, without using .asInstanceOf. I do think I can call that “uninhabited”, but maybe I’m wrong.

Now, when the lower-bound is raised, there now appear values that can be assigned the type of the type member without casting.

You do not contradict me, what you say is that an “abstract type member” is not abstract in the same sense that a method signature is abstract i.e. not incomplete or uninstantiable, which is exactly what I was trying to convey. “abstract” for type member is not the same “abstract” as in “abstract class” or “abstract method”, that’s why an object can contain an “abstract type member”, but can’t contain an “abstract method signature”.
This is not the first time I see this confusion, many people think that a abstract type member declaration is an “interface” and overriding it with a type alias is an “implementation” – so every abstract type member has to be followed by an alias override. This is a wrong intuition, type members don’t have a “declaration”/“interface”/“abstract” state, they’re always complete types

I see what you mean, but it’s not quite right (though I’m being a bit pedantic). Here is a way to construct a value of that type:

trait T { type P >: Nothing <: Any }
val ev: { val t: T; val p: t.P } =
  new { object t extends T { type P = Any }; val p = 42 }

In ev, p has type t.P where t is of type T.

I’m not trying to contradict you, just to let you know that in common usage, “abstract type member” means a type that’s not concrete (i.e., for which we know only its bounds).

I did mean not refined further, i.e. no overrides. Given object t { type P >: Nothing <: Any }, there is no non-bottom value that can be ascribed as t.P without a cast.

True, they can be seen in this way, but the analogue to val / def is not complete.

A val declared inside an object can be used anywhere a class val is used (same for defs). This is not true for types:

trait TypeMembers {
  type TM

object TypeMembersDouble extends TypeMembers {
  type TM = Double

class TypeMembersUser(tm: TypeMembers) {
  def foo(x: tm.TM): Int = 1
  def bar(y: TypeMembersDouble.TM): Int = 2

object TypeMembersApp extends App {
  val tmu = new TypeMembersUser(TypeMembersDouble)
  tmu.foo(2.5) // doesn't compile
  tmu.bar(2.5) // compiles

Furthermore, type parameters have all the capabilities that abstract type members have and more, while type aliases cannot be achieved by any other means:

trait TypeParameters[TP]

object TypeParametersDouble extends TypeParameters[Double]

class TypeParametersUser[TP](tp: TypeParameters[TP]) {
  def foo(x: TP): Int = 1
  def bar(y: TypeParametersDouble.TP): Int = 2 // doesn't compile

object TypeParametersApp extends App {
  val tpu = new TypeParametersUser(TypeParametersDouble)
  tpu.foo(2.5) // complies!

So in reality, I believe that type aliases are much more commonly used, and serve a role that no other feature provides, while abstract type members are more of a quirk that has an easier and more powerful alternative.

Yes, I do agree with that. Note that “non-bottom value” is redundant as there is no bottom value in Scala (null is not of type Nothing). Also, we say a type is uninhabited, not uninhabitable.

Bound does not mean concrete:

object a {
  val i: Int // "bound" & not concrete (abstract) - doesn't compile

Like @LPTK said:

… in common usage, “abstract type member” means a type that’s not concrete (i.e., for which we know only its bounds).

This is an irregularity, especially as the entire motive behind abstract type members (AFAIU) was to align types with values and functions, in the sense that they all have the ability to be abstracted either via parameters or abstract members.

You are confusing “bound” from the verb to bind and the noun “bound”, which refers to the upper and lower bounds of an abstract type.
(Unless by “bound” you meant that the value has an ascribed type?)

Also, if you re-read my messages, you’ll see that type aliases are conceptually like type members, so I do not see the point you are making.

@sjrd understood, this is my last message on the topic.

Bound is indeed quite the ambiguous word, so I’ll refrain from using it for the sake of this discussion.

My point is that in both cases – abstract val and abstract type – we have a non-concrete definition that limits / restricts the (eventual) concrete value to a certain range. The irregularity is that an object can have these non-concrete (abstract) types but not vals (nor defs).

@sjrd Can you perhaps migrate this discussion to another thread? I’d like to keep discussing this, it’s interesting :slight_smile:

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I extracted a separate topic for this discussion. I hope I did not make any mistake in selecting the set of messages that belong here.

Also feel free to suggest a different title.


is, in DOT, { type A = T } is syntax sugar for { type A >: T <: T }

Maybe it should be, but it’s also odd for a type member to lose its path prefix and become completely transparent upon obtaining matching bounds.
For example, this code works in Scala 2, but not in Dotty: Scastie - An interactive playground for Scala.
I would expect at least the call that explicitly ascribes the singleton type of the variable to succeed – because clearly DebugProperties IS a prefix of the singleton .type, so it should be in implicit scope – with or without the type Property member, but unfortunately this doesn’t work even with explicit ascription neither in Scala 2 nor 3.

The reason it does not compile in Dotty is because you have not imported the implicit DebugProperties.PropertyOps into the scope of the application. Dotty simplified the implicit resolution rules a little, so that things defined in the prefixes of types are no longer part of the implicit scopes of these types.

Both in Dotty and Scala 2 using A >: T <: T is expected not to lose the connection to the middle A while using A = T will aggressively dealias (for performance reasons) and is expected to lose the connection. Yes, I consider it unsatisfactory, but I’m not sure there is a good solution in sight.

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This seems to apply only to non-opaque type members. (And if this were applied to opaques they would become useless) Out of these summons only InnerType doesn’t summon:

trait Show[A] { def show(a: A): String = a.toString }

object Prefix {
  trait InnerTrait
  opaque type InnerOpaque = Unit
  type InnerType
  given Show[InnerTrait]
  given Show[InnerOpaque]
  given Show[InnerType]

object App extends App {
  println(s"implicit: ${summon[Show[Prefix.InnerTrait]]}") // ok
  println(s"implicit: ${summon[Show[Prefix.InnerOpaque]]}") // ok
  println(s"implicit: ${summon[Show[Prefix.InnerType]]}") // error

This is not documented anywhere and is inconsistent with opaque and class members. Are you sure this is intentional and not a regression?

Hmm, if in the previous scastie Property is declared opaque the example now works:

trait DebugProperties {
  opaque type Property >: String <: String = String

This has an onerous side-effect of actually adding a reason to declare an opaque type with fully transparent bounds…

This looks weird. It seems that the type-prefix-in-the-implicit-scope rule actually is still working for everything but transparent type aliases. Not sure that’s intended. Perhaps worth opening an issue or asking on gitter. I may also be missing something (I never manage to fit the whole set of implicit resolution rules into my head at once).

Haha, nice hack. I hope this is fixed at some point, though; I wouldn’t want a future where people declare their type aliases in this abscons form just to abuse implicit scopes.

From what I remember the only change to prefixes was that enclosing package objects aren’t members of implicit scope anymore, but perhaps I missed that change.

Yeah, it should just work without opaque

It is intended. The reason is that transparent type aliases are ephemeral - the compiler is free to dealias at any point. So we do not want to hang additional functionality (like companion scopes) on such type aliases, since any such functionality would be fragile.

The other thing that has changed in 3.0 is that package prefixes of types no longer contribute to the implicit scope, but normal prefixes are unaffected by this.

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What about abstract type members like

trait Prefix {
  type Abstract
  implicit def abstractGiven: TC[Abstract]

Shouldn’t they retain their implicit scope (abstractGiven should be available for Abstract as in Scala 2) when they are visible as abstract, i.e. when they’re not visibly aliased to anything?

I would assume yes.

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In this case it seems this part has regressed, at least in Dotty 0.22.0-RC1, Prefix#Abstract no longer has Prefix in its implicit scope, while in Scala 2 it does. I’ve opened an issue report with minimized example in dotty tracker: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/8396

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@eyalroth, I have a few polite corrections on this post.
I’ve shared some of your confusion in the past, also because using type members correctly is hard, but Scala abstract type members are one of its most advanced and most powerful features.

While they’re underdocumented and not easy to use, abstract type members are most certainly not a quirk. But their actual use case is not what you show; the point is to enable hiding their definition from clients. They also have a long history in module systems, going back to the 1974’s invention of abstract data types.

In fact, that example can be made to work, but it takes some doing. First, here is the code.

/ TypeMembers, TypeMembersDouble are unchanged.
trait TypeMembers {
  type TM

object TypeMembersDouble extends TypeMembers {
  type TM = Double

// The rest must be changed.
abstract class TypeMembersUser {
  val tm: TypeMembers
  def foo(x: tm.TM): Int = 1
  def bar(y: TypeMembersDouble.TM): Int = 2

object TypeMembersApp extends App {
  // Failing version:
  // val tmu =
  //   new TypeMembersUser { val tm = TypeMembersDouble }
  // Here, tmu has type TypeMembersUser, so tmu.tm.TM is ***abstract!***
  // To make that type member concrete, we must *expose* more information in
  // types.
  // Here is how to do it explicitly:
  // val tmu : TypeMembersUser { val tm : TypeMembersDouble.type }  =
  //   new TypeMembersUser { val tm : TypeMembersDouble.type = TypeMembersDouble }
  // I modified TypeMembersUser to make that type annotation expressible; I
  // tried TypeMembersUser { val tm : TypeMembersDouble.type } with the original
  // version, but didn't get it to work.
  // That is verbose; however, making `tm` final will make the compiler infer for it a singleton type:
  val tmu = new TypeMembersUser { final val tm = TypeMembersDouble }
  tmu.foo(2.5) // now compiles as well!
  tmu.bar(2.5) // compiles

Part of the problem is that in general the “content” of tmu.tm.TM (or in general path.TypeMember) only depends on the type of tmu, which surprises many people.
But that is a reasoned decision: the implementation of a value is not part of its public API, only its type is.

The other annoyance is that type inference, by default, is not very helpful in these cases.
That has been debated a few times; however, in many/most cases the default is arguably reasonable, because type inference should not expose too much information by default. It does make learning about type members very frustrating — but to some extent, docs could do more.

EDIT: as a reference on Scala abstract type members, I suspect I recommend https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/courses/819/odersky-scala-theory.pdf as a starting point. While some of the technical ideas are outdated, it does spend more time introducing its ideas, since it was the first paper on the foundations of Scala. Next there’s The Essence of Dependent Object Types, but I think that is already more challenging and technical. But YMMV.


If I understand this correctly, then yes, I see now that type members provide capabilities that type parameters do not.

This particular capability can be very useful, especially when you want to add a type parameter to an already existing interface (trait) that is being, so that certain (new) methods will be typed according to that type:

// before re-factor
trait Response {
  def isSuccess: Boolean

// after re-factor
trait Response {
  type RType
  def isSuccess: Boolean
  def get: Option[RType]

With type members, there is no need to change all the Response symbols in the code that uses the trait.