⚠️ Transfer of lampepfl/dotty to scala/scala3 Done

:warning: PSA: Tomorrow Wednesday March 6 between 9:30am and 11am CET (starting 12:30am in San Francisco, 3:30am in New York, 5:30pm in Tokyo), we will transfer the lampepfl/dotty repository to scala/scala3.

During that operation, the CI will not be operational. Any in-progress job will be canceled as we start the transfer. Please do not attempt to restart jobs. Avoid submitting PRs or pushing to branches with open PRs during the operation. Once the repo has been transferred and the CI is back online, existing PRs will need to be rebased on the latest main if they want a new CI run.

GitHub will automatically redirect HTTPS and git requests, so no immediate action will be required from your side for your links to keep working.

We will post a new message here when we start and finish.

Sorry for the disturbance, and thank you for your understanding.


Hi everyone,
As announced yesterday, we will start transferring the lampepfl/dotty repository right now. The CI will not be operational for a short time. After the transfer, we will conduct some tests to make sure that everything is working fine and for that, I’ll need to have all the runners available at my disposition. If a job is submitted during that time, I’ll cancel it.
We will keep you all updated at the end of the operation.
Thank you for your understanding.


It’s done! You can now all resume submitting PRs and pushing to branches. We recommend that you rebase existing PRs on top of the latest main if you push something new.