Synthesize constructor for opaque types

If I don’t care about performance what’s the least-boilerplate way to make a newtype?


I believe this is fine if it gives me feature parity with the newtype library for scala 2. The biggest issues I face with just using case classes is how much I can steal from the underlying type. I want toString to behave like the underlying type. I want to be able to use it with encoding/decoding libraries as a string in most cases without having to reimplement all the typeclass instances.

say I have:

case class Name(s: String)

Now I need some nice way to express that this is a dumb wrapper with the purpose of using nominal types to avoid passing it in the wrong places.

Basically, I want to be able to derive (on a per-typeclass-basis) the typeclass instances for Name based on the String instances easily.

If I could do something like

case class Name(s: String) using Show[String], Codec[String], Monoid[String]

and then have the compiler derive the instances that wrap/unwrap the value that’d be perfect for me.
In most cases it’d simply amount to unwrapping/wrapping if the value is in a contravariant and covariant position respectively (at least that’s my intuition).
In this way, we could even reuse Monoid[String] while preserving the result type:

val stillAName: Name = Name("Bob") |+| Name("Dylan")

Looks like you want typeclass derivation.

My colleague just pointed out that it’s more like deriving via from Haskell:

I believe he is exactly right!

I’m wondering whether the popular use cases are better served with a different solution?

My understanding is that people are concerned that methods like these are not typesafe:

def login(user: String, password: String, host: String): Unit = ...

So, to prevent people from calling it like login(host, user, password etc, people want to have something like:

def login(user: User, password: Password, host: Host): Unit = ...

But what are User, Password, Host? They can’t be subtypes of Strings, because Strings are final. If they are aliases for String, the compiler will view them as interchangeable. If we wrap them, it is costly. Using special wrappers (value classes, etc) just to have the compiler or the JVM unwrap them is inherently unreliable. Having type aliases that sometimes don’t behave like type aliases is inherently brittle and confusing.

Also, what if I want to keep String functionality? What if I want to be able to:

if(password.length < 8) { ... }
if(host.endsWith(".com")) { ... }
val email = user.toUppercase + "@[SOMEDOMAIN.COM](http://SOMEDOMAIN.COM)"

And even if we don’t need String functionality, it makes it easier to understand the code if we know these are simple Strings.

So, what we really want to say is that these are special Strings, or Strings tagged to be special. Let’s introduce a new syntax that says “type with tag”, for example String@User. The tag is erased at runtime, so not patmat for tags. You can assign a String@User to a String, but not the other way round. A String can be cast to a String@Password with explicit type ascription. For example:

val user: String@User = "hello" // illegal
val user: String@User = "hello": String@User // legal

So you can:

def generatePassword(): String@Password = Random.nextString(16): String@Password

def login(user: String@User, password: String@Password, host: String@Host): Unit = ...


Actually, that would be quite feasible in the scope of the current proposal.

This example already works:

package newtype
import scala.annotation.targetName

trait Monoid[A] {
  extension (x: A) @targetName("mappend") def <> (y: A): A
  def mempty: A

extension [T](xs: List[T])(using m: Monoid[T])
  def foldM: T = xs.fold(m.mempty)(_ <> _)

object newtypes {
  opaque type Sum[A] = A
  object Sum {
    def apply[T](x: T): Sum[T] = x
    def unapply[T](w: Sum[T]): Some[T] = Some(w)

  opaque type Prod[A] = A
  object Prod {
    def apply[T](x: T): Prod[T] = x
    def unapply[T](w: Prod[T]): Some[T] = Some(w)
  opaque type Logarithm = Double
  object Logarithm {
    def apply(d: Double): Logarithm = math.log(d)
    def unapply(l: Logarithm): Some[Double] = Some(math.exp(l))

  given Monoid[Prod[Double]] {
    extension (x: Prod[Double]) @targetName("mappend") def <> (y: Prod[Double]): Prod[Double] = x * y
    def mempty: Prod[Double] = 1

  given Monoid[Sum[Double]] {
    extension (x: Sum[Double]) @targetName("mappend") def <> (y: Sum[Double]): Sum[Double] = x + y
    def mempty: Sum[Double] = 0

  given (using m: Monoid[Sum[Double]]) as Monoid[Prod[Logarithm]] = m

Now running this:

import newtype._
import newtypes._

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val dProd: Prod[Double] = List(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0).map(x => Prod(x)).foldM
    val lProd: Prod[Logarithm] = List(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0).map(x => Prod(Logarithm(x))).foldM
    println(s"Regular Product: ${dProd}")
    println(s"Logarithm Product: log(${lProd})")
    lProd match{ case Prod(Logarithm(d)) => println(s"Logarithm Product: ${d}")}

Prints this:

Regular Product: 24.0
Logarithm Product: log(3.1780538303479453)
Logarithm Product: 23.999999999999993

Currently, you can only do this when you have all opaques in scope, but your example:

Could be implemented using something like this:

opaque type Name = String
given (using m: Show[String]) as Show[Name] = m
given (using m: Codec[String]) as Codec[Name] = m
given (using m: Monoid[String]) as Monoid[Name] = m

Maybe this sugar wouldn’t be such a bad fit:

opaque type Name = String derives Show, Codec, Monoid

This would essentially be equivalent to Haskell’s GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving.

If you want to generalize this further into something like DerivingVia, then maybe this would not be a bad idea:

opaque type Name = String derives Show using Show[String], Codec using Codec[String], Monoid using Monoid[String]

But I think the first would be much easier to get people on board with.

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Sure they can, just like "hello there" is a subtype of String, and 3 is a subtype of Int. Final classes can’t have subclasses, but they always have subtypes.

I find this really weird, you want to introduce a new role to the type operator in the form of weak type casts?

What is a “special string” if not a subtype of string? That’s possible with the current proposal, and if you want an implicit conversion String => SpecialString that does some quick sanity checking, that’s currently possible. If you want that cast to be explicit, then that’s also possible.

If you want SpecialString to be disjoint from regular Strings, then why can’t you have an api that exports the functionality you need?

Im liking this a lot!

It uses the existing features and it’s very flexible (you choose what you want from the underlying type).

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I wouldn’t say that I really, really don’t want to synthesize anything. However, I really, really don’t want to synthesize anything by default.

Currently, the design of opaque type aliases is “maximally minimal”. The language feature’s specification and implementation is as minimal as possible while providing the fundamental expressive power that we need to build stuff on top of it.

Having a minimal feature is good when it comes to something that we don’t have real experience with. We can ship this minimal design, and gain experience of the kinds of things that we want to build upon. It might require boilerplate for some (most) use cases, yes. But until we really gain experience with the feature, we won’t know with enough certainty what use cases are actually valid and widespread enough to require more sugar.

We could add, in the future, an annotation, or some other modifier, that would synthesize certain members, if we discover through experience that a specific set of members is very often required for a valid use case.

Independently, there is another point of view: if we don’t synthesize members, we can write them by hand when we want them. If we do synthesize members, there is no way to prevent that when we don’t want them. So if we have to choose only one spec, it should be the one that does not synthesize members.


I agree with most of your comment, but I feel like that part of the argument is widely weakened if 1/ part of the feature perceived goal is about reducing boilerplate (see my comment on that above Synthesize constructor for opaque types - #44 by fanf) and 2/ users don’t have the tooling to do so by themself (which is, IIUC, the case in the abscence of the necessary macro to do so).
Also: if the feature soft spot is too far away from the path of least resistance to get to it, there’s a risk that far less people that necessary to be interesting (or at least remove some disponibility bias) would use it.

All that being said, I’m still agreeing with you: given the uncertainty and that whole thread, yes it seems that we need a final version of the feature to go in the wild and see what people do with it, and what people complain about.

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Completely agree with this. There’s no reason to rule out sugar in the future, but I strongly oppose letting one particular use case dictate what the general case should look like at the expense of other use cases that don’t fit.

A completely feasible sugar could be something like:

case opaque type Name(n: String) >: Lower <: Upper

Let’s say that’s sugar for:

opaque type Name = String >: Lower <: Upper
object Name {
  def apply(n: String): Name = n
  def unapply(n: Name): Some[String] = Some(n)

(Also let’s assume that the Some is optimized away somehow, because otherwise what’s the point of all this?)

The problem here is that I would expect this to have the same semantics as newtype in Haskell. But Scala is not Haskell. What makes newtype work well in Haskell is that it behaves almost exactly like data. The only difference has to do with laziness, and that’s really not relevant here.

The biggest difference by far One of the many differences between Haskell and Scala is how pattern matching works in general. In Scala I can pattern match on anything:

(any: Any) match {
  case Name(str) => Some(str)
  case _ => None

This is not legal in Haskell:

newtype Name = Name String
anyToName :: forall a. a -> Maybe String
anyToName x = case x of
    Name str -> Just str
    _ -> Nothing

The price we pay for this is that Scala will gladly let us do this:

scala> def badMatch(s: String): Name = s match {case n @ Name(_) => n}           
def badMatch(s: String): o.Name

scala> badMatch("hey")
val res0: o.Name = hey

I was surprised the compiler let me do this, because if Name would’ve been a case class instead, this would not even compile. But even if that case was made illegal, the first snippet would match on any String.

What I’m trying to say here is that while I think most people could understand why typed patterns should be avoided, it’s harder to understand why extractor patterns are unsafe.

There are solutions to this. For example, some problems would go away if extractor patterns were restricted so that the type of the scrutinee must always conform to the argument type in the unapply method. It’s not trivial to see what such a change would break.

The actual semantics of opaque types integrate very well into Scala. Something like Haskell’s newtype simply doesn’t. This is why people like @smarter are right in being careful in pushing this pattern.

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Opaque types will always erase to the same type their right hand side erases to, because all type members behave that way and because this is fundamental for some uses like making facade for Scala.js, so it’s not possible to evolve opaque types into something that compiles to future-jvm-value-classes.

But we do have a feature that matches up with JVM value classes pretty well already; it’s the existing Scala value classes! Of course they will have to be tweaked to match whatever the JVM ends up with (at the very least, we’ll be able to remove the restriction that a value class can only contain one field), but fundamentally they will still be classes, and respect the semantics of classes at runtime like existing Scala value classes do.

A case class.

Just stumbled on this discussion — just giving my 2¢ …

I personally don’t want a synthesized apply, because I want to be able to define my own, maybe because I want validation:

opaque type Email = String

object Email {
  def apply(email: String): Either[ParseException, Email] = ???

In this sample I want it to be illegal to build Email values without validation.

And maybe there are use-cases in which the input isn’t the aliased type:

opaque type ParsedNumber = Long

object ParsedNumber:
  // no apply(Long)
  def apply(n: String): Either[ParseException, ParsedNumber] = ???

Note that we used scala-newtype too. Until we dropped it, replacing it with our own traits, as being in control of validation, or of what type class instances get derived automatically, is good.

I don’t mind boilerplate. I wouldn’t mind some annotation that synthesizes some defaults either, but the current default is fine as it is.


Speaking of scala-newtype, here’s what I mean when I said that we “replaced it with our own traits”:

trait NewType[Src] {
  opaque type Type = Src

  def apply(value: Src): Type =

  extension (self: Type)
    def value: Src = self.asInstanceOf[Src]

// Sample
object Email extends NewType[String]

val email = Email("[email protected]")
val unwrapped: String = email.value

Or in Scala 2 if you want:

trait NewType[Src] { companion =>
  type Repr = Src
  type Base = Any { type NewType$base }
  trait Tag extends Any
  type Type <: Base with Tag

  @inline def apply(x: Src): Type = x.asInstanceOf[Type]
  @inline def value(x: Type): Src = x.asInstanceOf[Src]

  implicit final class Ops(val self: Type) {
    def value: Src = companion.value(self)


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The cast isn’t needed with opaque types, since they’re not opaque in the scope where they’re defined.

I’ve written about why this is unsafe and shouldn’t be used earlier in this thread, in particular don’t be surprised if it crashes at runtime when compiled with Scala 3.

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My take on this whole discussion is that some people want to fit a round peg into a square hole.

Is opaque types the same as as Haskell’s newtype? No.

Can we have Haskell’s newtype? Not as long as the JVM does not support it. You can create a case class, but oh, it boxes. You can create a value class, but that seems to be objectionable as well somehow. Well, opaque types can’t solve the problem seamlessly either, because the JVM does not support it.

Opaque types is a powerful feature that can be used for many different things that have been discussed in this thread, and synthesizing methods would be severely detrimental to them.

And if that trait NewType[T] is particularly useful, you can rest assured there will be a library with it, and it need not be in either the doc or the standard library.

And if the issue is confusion about what opaque types are, the solution is the same as for any language feature: books, presentations, blog posts, etc. As well as, to be honest, stopping trying to fit the round peg in the square hole.

And, by the way, it’s not just round pegs I’ve seen. There’s at least two other polygons in this discussion alone.

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I actually don’t understand why some people say value types can replace opaque types. I want opaque type mostly to hide implementations and control implicit dispatch without additional wrapping costs.

That is 100%, afaict, something that is done at compile time. At runtime, I am happy for it to all be stripped away.

Why do value types solve this problem better? And why should we wait years (maybe 10 before widely deployed) more if we have an implementation now in scala 3 that can solve this issue?

I see the win of value types, mostly to define small tuples and avoid GC pressure. I don’t see how a value type that has just a pointer to a reference type is a win, especially when the scala compiler could have removed that entirely.

I would really welcome a careful explanation of what I am missing for the use cases I mentioned (hiding implementation, and controlling implicit/given dispatch).


Not sure what you mean when you say we can’t have Haskell’s newtype, as opaque types are perfectly adequate for that.

Otherwise I agree, we can define libraries for helpers.

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One thing that is a bit unfortunate is that due to the lack of macro annotations in Dotty we can’t really write libraries that add newtype-like functionalities in the same succinct way we can do with Scala 2.

It’s a rare case where I think migrating to Scala 3 will make the experience worse, if you were previously using libraries like scala-newtype.


A dedicated compiler plugin for @newtype is possible.

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