Let me address two very good questions:
Feature interactions
Possible feature interactions should be minimal since exports are completely resolved by Namer. The “export” construct does not even exist as a typed tree. Exports are entered into the symbol table as a set of forwarders. Afterwards, it is no longer relevant that these forwarders came from exports. There’s one (tiny) exception: export forwarders of givens are never cached in a separate variable, since we know that the original given was already cached if necessary. That’s the only case whether something after Namer makes a distinction whether something is an export or not.
but I’d also expect a restriction on a wildcard selecting ineligible members(?)
No, a wildcard will simply export all eligible members.
My remark applied to something else. It is best shown in the following example:
object A {
def f: String = ""
trait B {
def f: String = "abc"
object C extends B {
export A._ // error: export forwarder for `f` cannot override `f` in `B`
object D extends B {
object b extends B
export b._ // OK, but nothing is exported
object D2 extends B {
object b extends B
export b.f // error: `f` is not eligible
Here, the wildcard import in C
will create a forwarder for f
, since f
is eligible by the rules. But that forwarder will then lead to an error. On the other hand, the wildcard import in D
will not create a forwarder since the f
in b
is not eligible because the same f
is already defined in a supertrait of D
. If we mention f
by name as in the export in D2
, we get the other error: namely that we are trying to export something that is not eligible.