Relative scoping for hierarchical ADT arguments

Just to push on this a bit more, I don’t think it’s as bad as you make it seem. We already have ad hoc rules for semicolon inference, operator precedence/binding, and underscore shorthand, which dont cause too much confusion in practice

  1. There are certainly edge cases in Scala semicolon inference where e.g. two newlines behaves differently from one newline, but by and large it is not a real problem for users. We even had breaking syntax changes in Scala 3 around this (e.g. Surprising line continuations in Scala 3)

  2. Precedence/binding confusion does happen sometimes, but not more than any other programming language. And adding parens to adjust precedence issues, similar to what you described users would need to do for dot companion shorthand, is something people have been doing since they were 8 years old in math class

  3. We have a similar bunch of ad hoc rules for shorthand, which binds to the nearest enclosing (), ,, or = sign. Again, there are edge cases, and people do hit them sometimes e.g. how { println("hello"); } desugars, but only very rarely

These features could easily have been made unambiguous by adding more syntax - explicit semicolons, explicit parens around every expression, explicitly named/scoped parameters for every lambda - but I think they are better off being concise despite the edge cases.

I think dot companion shorthand falls in a similar category of language feature, and would benefit from the single-dot making it as concise as possible while still being semantically unambiguous

It’s arguable that these shorthands can cause compounding confusion more than the sum of their parts, hence the caution of adding one more shorthand despite the existing ones being OK. Coffeescript may be an example of that. But Swift has a very similar syntax as Scala: semicolon inference, method chaining, operator precedence, and dot companion shorthand. The ambiguity in theory does not turn out to be a problem in practice, and people seem to read and write code like the snippet below including both of these language features without issue

let newButton = UIButton(type: .custom)
    .title("Just a button").titleStyle(font: .systemFont(ofSize: 12), textColor: .white)
    .touchUpInside(target: self, selector: #selector(buttonAction))
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