Relative scoping for hierarchical ADT arguments

One important thing about the proposal is that nothing needs to be done in the declaration site to use this feature. Heck, you can even implement this in Scala 3 and have the feature available when using Scala 2 objects. “Ugly” is not a valid enough reason for me to drop this. Is using a $. lead any better?

That would be nice, but is it necessary? Are there a lot of libs out there were this would be an improvement? (Maybe so, its an honest question, i would really not know). But to me, it would be something that i need for myself. In that case there is no problem with changes on the declaration site, which would in turn ensure backward compatibility.

No, not better, both look weird, and from what i read in the posts above, i am not the only one. I would rather write Shape. instead. And if that feels to long, we can aways write import ...{Shape as $} somewhere at the top. So where is the gain then?

To me, the beauty in your proposal is that wherever we use Geometry or Color in there natural habitat (where Shape is present/dominant) they just work without further ado.

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The proposal outlines the gain and it’s not import aliasing.

in the solution proposed in this thread, one of the gains is that the companion object you’re selecting from is chosen based on type inference. in case of non-trivial type inference, the computed types can vary a lot depending on particular call site, so to emulate it with imports you would need to do the type inference manually and import from all inferred objects. anyway, after some deliberation, this argument looks somewhat weak (but still valid) to me, and other arguments (which revolve aroud uncluttering code) should be discussed instead.

however, if you go by the import ...{something as $} route then you probably need to introduce many short symbols sometimes and that’s a bit of ugliness already, e.g.

import html.{Tags as <, Attrs as ^, Colors as C} // ... and so on

you can bundle all of it together under one scope (that’s probably often the case with html constructs), but often you woudn’t want to.

should there be ambiguity at all? for me, the natural choice would be to inject scope separately per argument, so there would be no ambiguity:

// example invocation, copied from quote above, but with my comments
  // here the target type of this argument is `Light`, so we have injected `import Light._` just for this argument
  // here the target type of this argument is `Water`, so we have injected `import Water._` just for this argument

could you elaborate on that? the notation without leading dot still looks convincing to me.

the compatibility is on the source code level, not binary compatibility.

to minimize suprises when using notation without leading dot, we could require language import to enable the feature. compiler would always work as if the scope injection is enabled, but then the language import would be checked and if it’s not in scope, then throw compilation problem (waring or error).

example where it works:

import scala.language.scopeInjection

foo(injected) // works

example where compilation fails:

// no import from scala.language

foo(injected) // compilation fails. injection detected, but not allowed.

note that the above stuff is just a suggestion, food for thought. i haven’t deliberated much on it. maybe the notation with leading dot would be way easier to implement and maintain.


Without a leading dot you need to set precedence from outside scoping to relational scoping. So theoretically could be a code somewhere that accepts an argument Foo from external scope but once this feature is enabled and Foo exists in the relational scope then you have an unexpected error or worse, a silent change that isn’t picked up.

Language feature flag are a big no-no. Scala is trying to get rid of them, not add more (aside from things that are explicitly experimental).

I also wish to add a use-case that wasn’t discussed here thus far (and didn’t exist for me when I initiated the idea several years ago).

I call it “by type” argument assignment (instead of by order or by name), and it’s using opaque types + givens + implicit conversion to do something which I think is cool.

What I do is that I have a configuration context object where each value gets its own unique type

import wvlet.log.LogLevel //using an external logger library
import CompilerOptions.* //importing the new configuration types defined in the companion

final case class CompilerOptions(
    parserLogLevel: ParserLogLevel,
    linterLogLevel: LinterLogLevel,
    backendLogLevel: BackendLogLevel
object CompilerOptions:
  given default(using
      parserLogLevel: ParserLogLevel = LogLevel.WARN,
      linterLogLevel: LinterLogLevel = LogLevel.WARN,
      backendLogLevel: BackendLogLevel = LogLevel.WARN
  ): CompilerOptions =
      parserLogLevel = parserLogLevel, linterLogLevel = linterLogLevel, backendLogLevel = backendLogLevel,

  // New Types
  opaque type ParserLogLevel <: LogLevel = LogLevel
  given Conversion[LogLevel, ParserLogLevel] = identity
  object ParserLogLevel:
    export  LogLevel.*

  opaque type LinterLogLevel <: LogLevel = LogLevel
  given Conversion[LogLevel, LinterLogLevel] = identity
  object LinterLogLevel:
    export  LogLevel.*

  opaque type BackendLogLevel <: LogLevel = LogLevel
  given Conversion[LogLevel, BackendLogLevel] = identity
  object BackendLogLevel:
    export  LogLevel.*

So when users run the compile command def compile()(using CompilerOptions)..., they can easily define non-default configuration options like so:

import lib.*

given options.CompilerOptions.ParserLogLevel  = options.CompilerOptions.ParserLogLevel.INFO
given options.CompilerOptions.BackendLogLevel = options.CompilerOptions.BackendLogLevel.DEBUG


I wish to enable the user just do:

given options.CompilerOptions.ParserLogLevel  = .INFO
given options.CompilerOptions.BackendLogLevel = .DEBUG

So in this “by-type” argument passing use-case we have:

  • An enumeration from an external library
  • Assigned values that are not essentially the same type as the destination type.

Without a leading dot, or some alternative explicit relational scoping syntax, it can easily bring unexpected naming collisions. And I think this is a very worthy use-case. I started implementing it in my library and it’s extremely convenient, especially since more than one command requires these options as a context. I can have dozens of different options and sub-option objects and the user just doesn’t need to care what goes where. The type-system takes care of everything.

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This is true either way.

case class Head(h: Int) {}
object Head {
  val head = Head(0)

def thing: Head =
  List(Head(1), Head(3))

What do we get? Head(1) or Head(0)?

I would say Head(1), just like with:

val x =
  - 1 // {1 - 1} = {0}


val x =
  - 1 // {1; -1} = {-1}

So would I, but it’s not a different issue from the dotless case. You have to decide what takes precedence. Having thus decided, it’s not an issue any longer.

The point remains that you can change things far away (e.g. import an extension method) and behavior changes whether it’s dotless or dotted notation. The question is thus about the frequency and non-obviousness of collisions, not a qualitative this-collides-that-doesn’t. Or it suggests that another symbol or keyword is needed.

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It is. You’re referring to grammar rules. I was referring to scoping rules.

That’s indeed pretty bad. Sequences with leading . are very common. It’s a pitfall waiting to happen that any of these could accidentally become a constructor. It looks like relative scoping interacts badly with semicolon inference.


We could restrict the feature to avoid this ambiguity.

The only place where it appeasrs to be ambiguous would be in a block, where you dont know if the consecutive .foos are dot-prefixed standalone statements or chained method calls. We could limit the .-prefix syntax to disallow that

Note that Swift also has semicolon inference, and the feature works fine. Definitely a concern, but IMO not a blocker. We just need to be careful in exactly how we spec the syntax

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We can also choose $. as the relative scope placeholder. This removes any ambiguity.

That’s definitely an option, but my gut feeling is that it makes it sufficiently ugly that it becomes unattractive as a language feature

Swift manages to make it work, with very similar syntactic constraints as Scala has, so I think we should be able to make it work without user-facing sacrifices in its syntax. Just need to figure out how to tweak the grammar properly.

e.g. we could limit dot companion shorthand to only apply in cases where it is unambiguous: immediately after a (, ,, =, or in the case of pattern matching immediately after case or |. That would cover all the useful scenarios while avoiding any ambiguity with fluent method chains brought up earlier in this thread

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I agree. I also think it should not be available in infix positioning (aside from the | under pattern matching).

We could also choose .. as the lookup signifier. This has three advantages that I can think of:

  1. It’s not a valid pattern in the language, so it’s completely unambiguous.
  2. It’s still very fast and easy to type
  3. .. already looks like “you know the start, it’s just the end bit that we need tell you about”, so the form helps suggest meaning. Usually in pseudocode you’d write ... but .. is close enough.

It also might be a useful hint to the typer about where to start searching for alternatives (I’m not familiar enough with the internals to know).

It has two disadvantages that I can think of:

  1. .. is used in most languages for ranges.
  2. It is more clunky than . (or nothing).

I agree with @lihaoyi that this could work syntactically, but my above suggestion might be worth thinking about instead. The reason is that if we have to add a bunch of ad-hoc rules to prevent syntactic ambiguity, we also implicitly require programmers to learn all those rules. Failing that, they’d have to resort to disambiguating patterns like (.Green) so that they don’t have to remember the rules.

Minimizing the number of places where things “just work except when they don’t” I think should be a high-priority goal.

val redCircle = Shape(..Circle, ..Red)

def isRed(s: Shape) = s match
  case Shape(_, ..Red) => true
  case _ => false

seems not too bad to me, or at least closer to the . form than the . form is to the bare form.


Oh, I like that: not only is it unambiguous, it is intuitively sensible. The ..Red form very much reads as “I’m eliding the stuff that goes here” in a way that IMO leads one to ask the right questions.


That’s also fine with me.

Just to push on this a bit more, I don’t think it’s as bad as you make it seem. We already have ad hoc rules for semicolon inference, operator precedence/binding, and underscore shorthand, which dont cause too much confusion in practice

  1. There are certainly edge cases in Scala semicolon inference where e.g. two newlines behaves differently from one newline, but by and large it is not a real problem for users. We even had breaking syntax changes in Scala 3 around this (e.g. Surprising line continuations in Scala 3)

  2. Precedence/binding confusion does happen sometimes, but not more than any other programming language. And adding parens to adjust precedence issues, similar to what you described users would need to do for dot companion shorthand, is something people have been doing since they were 8 years old in math class

  3. We have a similar bunch of ad hoc rules for shorthand, which binds to the nearest enclosing (), ,, or = sign. Again, there are edge cases, and people do hit them sometimes e.g. how { println("hello"); } desugars, but only very rarely

These features could easily have been made unambiguous by adding more syntax - explicit semicolons, explicit parens around every expression, explicitly named/scoped parameters for every lambda - but I think they are better off being concise despite the edge cases.

I think dot companion shorthand falls in a similar category of language feature, and would benefit from the single-dot making it as concise as possible while still being semantically unambiguous

It’s arguable that these shorthands can cause compounding confusion more than the sum of their parts, hence the caution of adding one more shorthand despite the existing ones being OK. Coffeescript may be an example of that. But Swift has a very similar syntax as Scala: semicolon inference, method chaining, operator precedence, and dot companion shorthand. The ambiguity in theory does not turn out to be a problem in practice, and people seem to read and write code like the snippet below including both of these language features without issue

let newButton = UIButton(type: .custom)
    .title("Just a button").titleStyle(font: .systemFont(ofSize: 12), textColor: .white)
    .touchUpInside(target: self, selector: #selector(buttonAction))
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The rule is not ad hoc. The informal explanations are ad hoc.

But I think “leading infix” from point 1 deserves its own line item separate from semicolon inference.

As with optional braces, “proper formatting” makes everything just work, but deviation suddenly requires rules you can’t remember (and wouldn’t want to if you could).

Maybe the test is: What are the unintuitive ways people will bend or break the syntax?

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