Proposal for Opaque Type Aliases

The current Dotty implementation does not have this problem: both apply and Logarithm work.

There is already some special treatment in the compiler that treats a reference to module M inside M as if it was M.this. It looks like that handles this case as well.

Yep, I saw and, but I think those PRs underscore my concern :slight_smile:

It’s a valid concern. We do have a problem about leaking the synthesized definition(s) in the opaque companion. The pull requests you mention and in particular 7663d98
address this by hiding the definitions from the outside. I don’t see yet how this is related to the addition of a Logarithm value. But I am very open to experiment with alternative solutions here.

Love the idea of the “copy type” semantic.

It would be also great to have explicit conversions between original type and your “opaque aliases” generated automatically.

If we did that, then there would be no way for the designer of the opaque type alias to fully encapsulate it. Requiring the author to explicitly define conversions when intended, and with the intended names, is therefore better.

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Are there good reasons for not exposing Valhalla value classes in scala as tuples, or even all case classes, if they ever arrive?

I have found opaque types to be incredibly useful, especially when they can be declared in the top level. I use it for three main things. Firstly, as a light-weight alternative to single-value case classes:

opaque type BMI = Double
opaque type Weight[N] = N

The second use is as zero cost boxes for directing typeclasses:

opaque type AbsorbIdentity[S] = S
implied given Monoid[S] for Monoid[AbsorbIdentity[S]] { ...  append(identity, r) => r ... }

The third use is as a light-weight alternative for when a typed wrapper for a function is needed.

opaque type Stringifyer[S] = S => Appendable => Unit
implied [S] for Functor[Stringifier[S]]
opaque type Stringify = Appendable => Unit
implied for Semigroup[Stringify] { ... }

The beauty of opaques at the top level is that you can begin by sketching things out with opaque types that you can code against, and if and when it becomes necessary to have a real datatype you can segway into that with minimal pain. I’ve found this to be far easier than doing similar things with AnyVal types, particularly as those end up polluting your namespaces with identifiers for the rapped val member.

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You can avoid that by making the wrapped member private, in Dotty you can also just write class Foo(x: Int) extends AnyVal and it’ll do the right thing.

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Valhalla value classes are nominal. Point(x: Int, y: Int) and Rectangle(l: Int, w: Int) can not be equal. Tuples are not nominal, and a (Int, Int) instances representing a Rectangle can’t be distinguished from one representing a Point.

So Tuples can’t represent them, but it might be very useful to represent Tuples as them.

Case classes extend AnyRef (a.k.a. j.l.Object), and Valhalla value classes do not (logically, though in L-world they do in some sense), several restrictoins that apply to Valhalla value classes would be violated by Case Classes.

Something new may be needed, like data class or case classes would need to be modified in an incompatible way, or extends AnyVal can be adapted, but that may lead to changes / restrictions there as well.

Its been about 6 months since I read through the Valhalla mailing lists, so I may be a bit out of date, but the big shift to L-world was done prior to that (it was not completed, but the big shift in thought and the initial 80/20 implementation was done).

If you name the wrapped val member “self” the pollution isn’t that harmful. It makes thing.self equivalent to thing, which is interesting but not terribly surprising.

I’m out of the loop, but can the valhalla jvm return an unboxed value class instance direct on the stack? There’s nothing inherent in the JVM that prevents a return leaving more than zero or one slots on the top of the stack. It seems odd to me that this wasn’t leveraged before now, with a generic return_n opp that leaves n words containing the return values.

Yes, it will allow a few key things:

Passing composite values around on the stack, so method params and returns don’t have to box our friendly little Point class anymore.

Composite types can be inlined inside arrays, so we can avoid boxing there too. And nested valhalla types can be fully inlined in the object, and arrays too, e.g the equivalent of

data class Complex(r: Float, c: Float)
data class ComplexLineSegment(start: Complex, end: Complex)

ComplexLineSegment would be representable as four consecutive Float values on the stack, or in an array.

I’m not sure the array format is even forced to be ‘row-major’ (yet?). Its plausable that the JVM could columnarize – (e.g. every 8 Complex items could plausibly be written in memory as r,r,r,r,r,r,r,r,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c instead of r,c,r,c,r,c,r,c,r,c,r,c,r,c,r,c).

A quick summary for today would be the top of this page:

    Value Types are small, immutable, identity-less types
    User model: "codes like a class, works like an int"
    Use cases: Numerics, algebraic data types, tuples, cursors, ...
    Removing identity commitment enables optimizations such as
        flattening of value types in containers such as fields or arrays
            reducing cost of indirection and locality of reference with attendant cache miss penalties
            reducing memory footprint and load on garbage collectors
    Combining Immutability and no identity commitment allows value types to be stored in registers or stack or passed by value

The “L-world” change from the first prototype is summarized there in more detail. An even briefer summary:

“Q-world”, the old prototype, introduced a bunch of new bytecode instructions to distinguish value types from object/reference types, and a new class descriptor format for them. This led to lots of issues.

“L-world” makes everythig an object again – at least as far as bytecode for method signatures is concerned. The object descriptors are re-purposed to additionally cover the new value classes, by adding extra info to the object class descriptor. Then it is up to the JVM to optimize the call sites and optimize away boxing. Now only two new bytecode instructions are added: one to create a default instance (every value type has to have a default, last I checked this is just all zeroes in memory so that empty arrays are as if filled with default values), and one to copy a value but change one field for copy-on-write semantics.

Another thing to note is that because these are meant to be substitutable when the values are the same, equals() on a value type when the value type contains a reference, implies reference equality on the inner reference (following through to a reference’s equals() method can break the contract otherwise). There has been some debate about this, however.
This is one place where scala case classes as they are today would be a mismatch.


Valhalla value classes are closer to structs than Opaque types, they are solving different problems. Furthermore its important to understand that value classes don’t exist on other platforms (Scala.js and native unless native wants to reimplement the concept)

Opaque types are incredibly important imho, they have a very solid foundation that is easy to understand and its the only way to completely guarantee something won’t box. They are also very important for interoperability on Scala.js (and I assume scala-native as well).

Opaque types would even help current Scala, as there are so many work arounds when it comes to JVM interopt that can be greatly simplified with Opaque types.


Is it possible to avoid the new keyword opaque, in favor of reusing existing self-type syntax?

Can we allow type ID = Any { this: Long => } instead of opaque type ID = Long?

The self-type syntax has an additional advantage: it allows parts of the supertypes or members to be transparent.

type ID = Any { this: Long => }

implicitly[ID <:< AnyVal] // should not compile

type ID2 = AnyVal {
  // The actual self-type is `AnyVal { def +(rhs: Long): Long } with Long`,
  // which can be proven to be same type of `Long`, when calculating its `glb`
  this: Long => 

  def +(rhs: Long): Long

implicitly[ID2 <:< AnyVal] // should compile 

def minus1(id2: ID2): Long = {
  id2 - 1L // should not compile.

def plus1(id2: ID2): Long = {
  id2 + 1L // should compile and should not be a reflective call, because the backend knows `ID2 =:= Long`

We can also allow casting a trait or a class to its self-type in its companion object for consistency.


Would the underlying type be accessible via the opaque type’s TypeTag[T]?

I’m trying to think how Spark’s Encoder[T], and Flink’s TypeInfo[T] serialization typeclasses can be derived for something that is an opaque type, or something that contains opaquely typed values.

I think that, strictly speaking, there should be no TypeTag available for an opaque type. Only a WeakTypeTag. However there are some inconsistencies in this area. See this PR for some examples.

But I think you should manually make a TypeTag or a ClassTag available if you want.

opaque type A = Int
object A {
  implicit val tTag: TypeTag[A] = { 
    val tTag = null // ideally this line won't be necessary

TypeTags are available for all abstract type members, so not having them is an inconsistency… But, maybe there’s no point discussing TypeTags since dotty will kill off both scala-reflect and TypeTags without a replacement anyway?

Wait, what? Where are they saying that? They’re killing macros, but I hadn’t heard anything about that affecting the TypeTag family…

I don’t know how to link directly to messages in gitter but @smarter recently said in scala/contributors:

There’s no runtime reflection at all in Dotty
and no desire to implement it
But it’s not been formally deprecated, so it might come back from the dead
Runtime reflection in Scala 2 is an endless source of bugs: scala/bug#10766

According to this StackOverflow answer, Typetags are generated by the compiler (including Dotty):