PRE-SIP: using directives

Here is a summary of the main points that have been raised so far. I suggest taking them into account before submitting an actual SIP.


Do you (@romanowski) plan to update the motivation part to include that point?

Alternative Solution: Comments

Could you please expand on why you think “using directives” is the best solution vs comments?

Alternative Solution: Annotations

Probably, a discussion on a solution based on annotations should be included. An argument against annotation has been made here already:

Alternative Solution: Language Imports

Maybe consider including language imports in the alternative solutions. There is already an argument against reusing imports:

Re-purposing the using keyword vs introducing a new keyword

Would you mind elaborating on why you think re-purposing using is the best solution? Should we introduce another keyword instead? E.g. “pragma”?

Syntax does not look like usual Scala

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