PRE SIP: ThisFunction | scope injection (similar to kotlin receiver function)

I understand that to continue constructive discussion I need to make very good sip proposal I am not language designer, so it is not shameful not to have enough qualification to do it myself.
I just say I do not think that case classes is very good for relational big data. Thay require memory copying for jdbc wrappers at least

I think it is just inconvenient. It is very good seen in any scala jdbc library documentation.

Are you kidding or trolling :slightly_smiling_face:? Of course we use. The kotlin wrappers are just more comfortable.

Since tuples are case classes themselves creating (instances of) them takes at least as much copying as creating case classes. Sometimes more as tuples are more prone to boxing due to lack of specialization (as I’ve said before in post above).

I was asking why do you use raw JDBC? There are many higher level abstractions for relational databases to choose from.

It is important to note that there is a big difference between creating objects and filling it with unsorted data.
Just for fun. Let us compare “copyarray” system function and scala “for” statement

I am not sure I can understand your question completely, so it is just my thoughts.
Of course the java jdbc is most powerful and flexible way to work with databases. But all has a price. It also requires high qualification, it is error prone and it has much boilerplate code. So we need compromise. But if we had good row abstraction we would have compromise on the next level of quality.

If scala had good row abstraction and better scope management I would be more happy.

A tuple is (at least shallowly) immutable by design (and that’s a good design). You cannot do:

val tuple = (1, "abc", 'z')
tuple._2 = "something else" // doesn't compile

OTOH with case classes you can mark fields as vars instead of default vals:

case class MyType(var a: Int, var b: String, var c: Char)
val myValue = MyType(1, "abc", 'z')
myValue.b = "something else" // compiles fine

If you want to reuse already created objects then custom case classes offer more flexibility than standard tuples. However, I don’t recommend that in general - side-effect free code is often easier to reason about.

JDBC is a low level API, not meant to be concise, readable, strongly typed or programmer friendly. Therefore there are tons of higher level libraries (built on top of JDBC) that provide improved API. Scala is oriented towards high-level abstractions rather than low-level ones.

let us change the name of the proposal.
I am sure a good row abstraction must be able to be mutable also. There should be a choice at least.

I can not understand such logic. I am afraid with such answer on request of a better row abstraction it is a matter of time when scala will have become yet another language for me. Kotlin evolve much faster than I thought when we choosed scala. :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually, if you really care about avoiding allocations at all cost (which include excess software maintenance costs) then you should avoid the whole Java platform. Project Panama and Project Valhalla are not ready yet, so extracting maximum possible performance is hard under Java. Because of that e.g. network drivers written in Java are much slower than ones written in Rust, C# or Go: (IIRC they or someone else came to a wrong conclusion that Java is generally bad for network related purposes, because they missed the fact that Java platform contains a lot of C/C++ code for performance critical tasks).

Otherwise, if you care about final performance of your application and not performance of a small part of it, then you should profile the performance and measure what’s the impact of a specific portion of your app on the whole app.

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Of course we do not make all our calculations on jvm. But it has a price, and it does not change the fact:
I would prefer a language with better integration with jdbc. 1,5 - 3 times faster is good win rate for free.

The collection library has been rewriten because of less.

Actually, JDBC doesn’t look so obvious any more. Check out the Skunk library, for example (still in early development, but one of the most intriguing things out there) - it eschews JDBC in favor of talking raw Postgres. More expressive, far more powerful, arguably easier to use, and more efficient.

JDBC is an ancient library, and it shows. It’s an important consideration, but it’s by no means trolling to question whether it’s still the right way to go…

It is just well known example.
You need data, metadata and iterator in general. And it is a bad idea to contain data and metadata in one place for big data. So oop is bad :slight_smile:
If you use wrong abstraction you always will get more worse result.

it is very beautiful idea. I only have doubts that there will be stable well supported scala drivers for most data servers in general.

You are right it can look uncomfortably.

Scope Functions have two implementations( this or it). Each one has advantages and disadvantages.
The documentation says:
The scope functions do not introduce any new technical capabilities, but they can make your code more concise and readable.

Due to the similar nature of scope functions, choosing the right one for your case can be a bit tricky. The choice mainly depends on your intent and the consistency of use in your project.

I think most importan is

  • but they can make your code more concise and readable

Here is my take on what it takes to implement a scoped it using Dotty with all the latest bells and whistles (If there is a better way to do this please share!)

class Foo(var a: Int = 0, var b: String = "init")
  override def toString: String = 
    s"Foo($a, $b)"

class InContext[A](val a: A)

def it[A](given inContext: InContext[A]): A = inContext.a

def (a: A) inContext[A](block: (given InContext[A]) => Unit): A =
  block(given InContext(a))

@main def run(): Unit = 
  val f = Foo().inContext {
    it.a = 42
    it.b = "hello"


I have a few gripes with this:

  1. class InContext[A] is littering the namespace: It is not usable by itself, but still needs to be public due to the signature of inContext;
  2. def it[A] has the same problem, only arguably more so;
  3. This is a personal preference, but I find implicit function types hard to read. It looks like the caller is expected to pass a function InContext[A] => Unit when in fact it is inContext itself that creates and applies the context. This is possibly just a case of unfamiliarity.

While they assert this, I don’t know if I buy that. Having to look up the function definition to figure out what was in scope was really annoying, back when I programmed in Perl.

The it version is less bad, as at least there’s something for the autocomplete to key off, but the this version dumps stuff into the current namespace, without a clear way to figure out what’ in scope.

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Scala 2.13:

import scala.util.chaining._

class Foo(var a: Int = 0, var b: String = "init") {
  override def toString: String = 
    s"Foo($a, $b)"

val f = new Foo().tap { it =>
  it.a = 42
  it.b = "hello"

println(f) // prints: Foo(42, hello)

I don’t see how that’s relevant. The topic is creating a scoped context along with functions to work on that context. Implicit function types was touted as a solution to this.

I don’t see how that’s relevant. The topic is creating a scoped context along with functions to work on that context. Implicit function types was touted as a solution to this.

Implicits are an even worse transgression. You have to look into

  • Companion objects;
  • The surrounding scope;
  • givens (local/implicit function args);
  • The import list;
  • Predef.scala;

I like the power they bring but they are surely a lot more complex than rebinding this in a closed scope.

edit: Not to mention that we already have this-rebinding in a form:

class A {
  val x = 1
  class B {
    val y = 2
    def addThem = y + x

I don’t mind implicits partially because they’re stuff you’re not supposed to have to interact with them directly, and when you do need to interact with them, it’s as arguments rather than identifiers (which really narrows the relevant namespace).

Extension methods are likewise OK for me because they’re anchored on some known object, so you have a place to start from, and can’t shadow the methods defined on an instance so it might fail to compile, but it won’t surprise you at runtime.

Rebinding this means you have to aware of the names injected into the local namespace, which shadow the existing values in a non-obvious way.

There’s a big difference between rebinding this in the context of an obvious class definition, and rebinding this in completely ordinary-looking code!

What should a user udnerstand, when they see this?

val x = foo(bar)
someType.baz {
  x + 1

Is x coming from the outside, or is it coming from some imported this scope? No one can tell without looking at the definiton. It’s a net loss in terms of language understanding IMHO.

Now, say x was coming from the outside scope, but that the baz method did in fact import some this scope (where x was not defined). What if someone later adds an x field to the corresponding type? We may break (sometimes silently) all this-importing user code out there that were capturing reference to an outside x variable. For instance, the meaning of the code above will change.

This is not dissimilar to surprises that can arise when you’re wildcard-importing an object into your scope (as in import obj._). But people are more careful with this sort of things, and it catches the eye. Wildcard imports should only be performed on robust APIs that are not expected to change in unexpected ways. But this scope injection exposes people to the API of random classes, without a visual clue of what’s happening from the use site.


The only real difference between my solution and yours is:

value.tap { it =>
  assert(it == value)


value.inContext {
  assert(it == value)

It doesn’t seem to me that extra implicits are bringing any improment here. Your mechanism is very convoluted.

No. Implicit function types were to reduce bolierplate when passing the same implicits over and over (the primary example given by Martin Odersky was Context in Scala or Dotty compiler).

Currently we have:

def functionWithContext(param: Param)(implicit context: Context): ReturnType = {
  // use 'context' directly


// Context is uselessly bound to ParamType here
def functionWithContext[ParamType: Context](param: Param): ReturnType = {
  val context = implicitly[Context[ParamType]]
  // use 'context' directly

or a hacks like but that brings scoping problems. I’ve tried hacks like that and had problems with managing implicit scope.

Implicit function types let you instead formulate that:

// concise and non-hacky way
// also you can shovel multiple implicit parameters into 'InContext' type
def functionWithContext(param: Param): InContext[ReturnType] = {
  // use 'context' directly

Despite of the syntax InContext[ReturnType] the implicit parameter doesn’t have to be related to ReturnType in any way. Desugaring could be as follows:

def functionWithContext(param: Param): Context => ReturnType = context => {
  // use 'context' directly
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As for now you can’t even explicitly import this into scope. I think below code is explicit enough to be comprehensible:

val x = foo(bar)
someType.baz { this => // this screams: caution! things can be shadowed here!
  x + 1

That would be very useful in tests:

"sth" must "be red" in test(args) { this => // importing fixture members
  ... // short test
"sth" must "be green" in test(args) { this => // importing fixture members
  ... // short test
"sth" must "be blue" in test(args) { this => // importing fixture members
  ... // short test

private def test(params: Params)(action: Fixture => Unit): Unit = ???