Pre-SIP: a syntax for aggregate literals

I don’t remember why we didn’t want to use the spread operator for this.

val x: Seq[Int] = (1, 3, 5, 2, 7)*

creates a tuple literal, then, if there’s an appropriate typeclass, spreads it into a constructor for Seq[Int].

As a nice perk, there’s no reason this shouldn’t work for conversion between sequence types too.

val x: DataEntry = (name = "John", age = 42, color = Web.PaleVioletRed)*

packs into a case class with names as defined. (Need to decide whether unnamed tuples come along for free or whether you have to add an extra typeclass.)

And, I guess,

val sushi: Map[String, Int] = ("eel" -> 2, "salmon" -> 5)*

can work too, using the same scheme as [].

It’s a rather less dramatic syntactic change, and it’s more explicit that magic is happening because you say the magic everywhere.

Because we already have the idea of the spread operator, it’s a less dramatic change than mixing type notation and instance notation. (Again, unless we view [1, 5, 2] as a type literal from which we can summon an instance.)