Wouldn’t it be better in forthcoming versions for BigInt to be dropped in favor of a scala.math.Numeric/Integral typeclass instance for java.math.BigInteger ? And Fractional for BigDecimal ? It would avoid wrappers.
There is a similar question about collections, at least mutable ones : IMO we should have typeclass instances for Java collections instead of reimplementing these.
That’s outside of the scope of what I’m doing. The changes here should be binary compatible and mostly source compatible (source incompatibility is currently limited to the .bigInteger member changing from a val field to a def method).
Is it worth spending time on this, once you start considering the refactoring I mentioned ? Wouldn’t it be better to implement your optimization as a typeclass instance for Pair[BigInteger, Long] ?
We will be using 2.13 for years still. I appreciate any work to optimize the current standard library.
In scala 3 you can use an opaque type to wrap Either[BigInteger, Long] but users are not going to want to carry that type around as a core numeric type.
I see no win to abandoning BigInt vs making it perform as well as possible. E.g. in Spire they worked around the perf issues by making SafeLong. It would have been nice if years ago we just made BigInt the faster one.
Final note: I think it is not clear that typeclasses can be widely useful for perf optimization. The fact there are many instances often leads to megamorphic dispatch on the JVM which harms inlining. So pinning perf hopes on typeclasses seems like we need evidence this can be done. You may be motivated, but I want to encourage, not discourage the work of Denis.
That said, Either[BigInteger, Long] will box the Long argument, so that’d be looking at something strictly worse than my proposal. However, the Dotty union types could be used, but then you’d lose the isInstanceOf semantics.
That said, if you want to have a try at implementing a typeclass based approach, a minima you can use the (future) benchmark that I’m writing now, and compare.
Cannot escape the boxing, right? At least Java would cache the boxed Long at the level of the JVM.
But I was thinking of something else: a typeclass-based approach would break user code using isInstanceOf in match patterns, etc… so we’d need strong arguments to make the change.
No, both approaches could easily live in harmony for as long as necessary. No need to touch BigInt. Just devise a new construct for optimized BigInteger | Long.
This construct (i.e. the one in linked pull request) is already the optimized one.
Either[Int, BigInt] produces two objects when wrapping an Int - one for scala.util.Either and second one for java.lang.Integer. Optimized BigInt produces just one object in case Int is sufficient. Union is not compatible with pattern matching so that’s a big drawback.
To summarize:
+ no wrapper class
+ Int boxed only once
- problems with pattern matching
+ no wrapper class
- problems with pattern matching (but less than in union case) - what if someone uses Eithers for other purposes?
- Int boxed twice
+ no wrapper class
+ Int boxed once (since Tuple2 is specialized)
- problems with pattern matching (but less than in union case) - what if someone uses Tuple2 for other purposes?
Custom type (this BigInt):
+ Int boxed once
+ no problems with pattern matching (bigInt.getClass stays the same all the time and it’s distinct from all other types)
+ internals are private and they can’t be accidentally exposed using e.g. pattern matching
- adds wrapper class (but the custom logic needs to be placed somewhere anyway, why it’s better to place it in typeclass rather than in ordinary class?)
There is scala.collection.JavaConverters class containing thin adapters for converting between Java and Scala API so you’re free to use them already. They are even recommended in case there’s something missing from Scala collection library.
IIUC mutable Scala collections works as builders for immutable Scala collections and converting from mutable Scala collection to immutable Scala collection is cheaper than converting from Java collection to immutable Scala collection. I’m not sure though.
I know [Sorry for diverting the topic] I was thinking more about something like this Scala Collections Proposal · GitHub , which unfortunately did not make it (yet ?) into the language.
Okay, I did not know that.
Because there will be a Numeric instance for BigInt anyway as there already is. So this is all quite redundant currently.
That article doesn’t mention using or implementing Java collections API directly, but simplifying Scala collections hierarchy instead. Two different topics. Furthermore, Scala collections were redesigned recently in Scala 2.13 and probably some ideas from that article were implemented.
Where is the redundancy? Is some code duplicated? Can you give some glaring examples?
That’s not a lot of overhead. In Scala 3 that could probably be solved succintly by exports.
What about first-class Optional, CompletableFuture, Consumer, Supplier, etc
There were implicit conversions in JavaConversions but they were deprecated and only explicit JavaConverters were kept. Should that decision be reversed? I prefer explicit asScala and asJava and I am always irritated by having to guess which class to import (JavaConversions vs JavaConverters).