Meanings of underscore (including wildcard imports)

great news! I’m excited for both changes and the RC :slight_smile:

Great. From a modest dev perspective I’m thinking 3.0 is where “I’ll go through all the effort to learn the new version and migrate my code”. While not equal weight to “the books get rewritten” I do believe many in my position would rather this be a one-off bigger change.

Also, the new notation seems indeed an improvement and don’t anticipate headaches with it.

Kind of reminds me of my time in school. I would have files on my computer called thesis_final.pdf, thesis_final2.pdf, thesis_final3.pdf, thesis_REALLYfinal.pdf.


Use semver

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To indicate which versions of the thesis are compatible? :grinning:


Why does the issue of having to redo the MOOCs apply to changing optional braces but not to this change?


Why does the issue of having to redo the MOOCs apply to changing optional braces but not to this change?

I suspect it is either 1) MOOC material doesn’t have the imports or 2) changing _ to * and => to as doesn’t change layout; everything fits where it did before.

There’s a Russian saying:

“The church is nearby, but the roads are icy. The pub is far, but I will walk carefully.”


“There’s a X saying” on the internet that actually comes from the cited country. I did not expect that :wink:

Source (TL;DR: they traced it back to a Russian language primary source from the 1890s)


Both imports and :/with require changes. Imports much less since there are fewer wildcard imports than classes. But we found a technical solution that could have replaced most uses of : with with without requiring a re-recording. So this was not the deciding factor to stick with :.

That does raise the question of why the given overhauls were let in without the MOOCs & books being a concern.

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