Making union types even more useful

Nothing is a subtype of anything

Thanks for pointing that mistake out – I should have seen that! I’ll update my example above.

But your proposal still does not compile using RC2-nigtly:

scala> extension [T <: Matchable](x: T | Empty)                                                                                
     |   def isEmpty: Boolean = x match
     |     case Empty => true
     |     case _ => false
     |   def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
     |   def get: T = x match
     |     // no type coercion needed, Nothing is a subtype of anything.
     |     case Empty => throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty.get")
     |     case x: T => x
     |   def getOrElse(default: T): T = x match
     |     case Empty => default 
     |     case x: T => x
     |   def toOption: Option[T] = x match
     |     case Empty => None
     |     case x: T => Some(x)
     | end extension
11 |    case x: T => x
   |         ^^^^
   |         the type test for T cannot be checked at runtime
15 |    case x: T => x
   |         ^^^^
   |         the type test for T cannot be checked at runtime
19 |    case x: T => Some(x)
   |         ^^^^
   |         the type test for T cannot be checked at runtime

In this particular case, the docs for Scale and Chord would be different, as the docs should explain that steps are accumulated to form the pitch classes. But I see your point. Maybe I should stop wishing for matchmaking of non-relatives :slight_smile:

But these are only warnings right? Either way. If asInstanceOf is part of your solution it’s almost always a warning sign that what you’re doing maybe isn’t such a good idea.

If you use Null instead of Empty, there is a special compiler rule that makes this work. The reason is that the erasure of X|Empty is Object while the erasure of X|Null is X. This makes Null both safer and more efficient in this case. Of course, you can’t call toString on null, but if your concerned about that I promise you that you will be better off using Option.

A custom Empty class is only going to give you a headache.

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I think it could be handy if you have do deal with third-party code which you cannot modify. I.e. adding a base trait does not work. There it could be simpler to use a union type instead of e.g. create n adapters with a base trait (thought with dotty this will become much simpler with the export clause :slight_smile:). I guess those are rather rare cases and using a pattern match in such a situation is also OK, i.e. not too much boilerplate. Anyway… I guess we will see in a few years, when unions are used more often, if it is justified to modify the language in order to get rid of the boiler plate.


Ah, yes - I had fatal warnings on… Thanks for the explanations of how the types are erased! Maybe I should give null a try - but I have gotten that bad null-smell into my bones so it will perhaps be like an acquired taste for me nowadays.

I would be really interested in examples of such headaches? (So far it seems to play out well, e.g. by using .collect { case p: Pitch => ...} on structures to skip Empty values and sometimes .toOption when that is needed for integration with standard library methods etc…)

I took a swing at creating a typeclass style version of this, to see if I could use that to get around some of the unpleasantness.

The first attempt was to check if, given T[_] we could summon T[A|B] if T[A] and T[B] both existed. Sadly, this doesn’t seem to be the case. This was a bit of a moonshot, as I could see cases where that wouldn’t be able to be done automatically (e.g. Numeric[A|B] is a bit harder to auto-derive than Show[A|B]).

The second attempt was to do this manually, which hit a bit of a weird roadblock:

trait Show[A] {
  extension (a: A) def show: String
object Show {
  given [A, B](using AS: Show[A], BS: Show[B]): Show[A | B] with {
    // Error: `as` expected
    extension (ab: A|B) def show: String = ab match {
      case a: A =>
      case b: B =>

This was a bit confusing, as I didn’t see any relevant as mentions in the given docs, so I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if I’m simply trying something that isn’t possible.


Sorry for the edits, I’ve got a squirming 2 year old that’s trying to “help” :man_facepalming:

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Your scastie is running on Scala 3.0.0-M1 for some reason, if you hit Reset in the build settings and click Scala 3, you get 3.0.0-RC1.

This cannot possible work, type erasure means that type test will always succeed since it will just be erased to Object (and the compiler will let you know with a warning).

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Weird :man_shrugging: , thanks for spotting that.

After refreshing the build, the errors have moved to the call sites, and are almost beautifully obscure:

ambiguous implicit arguments of type Show[(Oops | Ouch)] found for an implicit parameter of method printError.
I found:

    Show.given_Show_A[A, B](
      /* ambiguous: both object given_Show_Oops in object Oops and object given_Show_Ouch in object Ouch match type Show[A] */
      /* ambiguous: both object given_Show_Oops in object Oops and object given_Show_Ouch in object Ouch match type Show[B] */

But both object given_Show_Oops in object Oops and object given_Show_Ouch in object Ouch match type Show[A].


If I’m understanding this correctly, this means that union types are completely unusable with typeclasses of any sort. Can you confirm this? If true, this would seem to be a complete deal-breaker for union types, due to the number of libraries which use one or more typeclasses.

Union types get erased at runtime to the least upper bound of the participants, so it would be impossible to tell one member of a union apart from another by type alone at runtime. However, this is what TypeTests are for, as they allow you to determine type from other information, such as the classic “just give each one a string with its original type name on it”, or something else that would enable you to tell them apart. They’re also a typeclass, so a library user could define their own instance to perform runtime type tests on the types they want to use, which could include unions.

I get that, I’d misinterpreted this previous comment:

I didn’t catch that, not only was the automatic expansion of removed, what it was expanded to is also no longer legal.

The upshot is this makes union types very difficult to abstract over. While this is disappointing, I haven’t exactly gotten use to them extensively yet, so it’s just a missed opportunity rather than something that’s actively causing me trouble.

I gave Typeable a try, and unfortunately came up empty again. This time it didn’t work with either a given instance or a direct method call with the types passed separately. I was able to get it to work if I explicitly specified both types to the direct method, but that’s not terribly useful for what I have in mind (tracking failure states).

The error almost looks like it’s erasing A|B to Object|Object:

no implicit argument of type Show[Object] was found for parameter x$2 of method printError2.
I found:

    Show.given_Show_A[A, B](/* missing */summon[Show[? <: Object]], ???, ???, ???)

But no implicit values were found that match type Show[? <: Object].


No, that’s not what I meant. case x: A => is meaningless if A is a type variable upper-bounded by Any, but the context of the original question in this thread is something with A and B both being classes, in that class case x: A => works of course.

Yep, my misunderstanding was that there was some detail in the encoding of union types that would allow extracting the participating types in any situation where (a: A) match { case _: A => } would work.

my misunderstanding was that there was some detail in the encoding of union types that would allow extracting the participating types in any situation where (a: A) match { case _: A => } would work.

Is there any help from ClassTag or it’s kin? (Did ClassTag make it into Scala3?)


I’m not sure, I tried using TypeTest in this Scastie, but I haven’t branched out to the ClassTag and co.

It doesn’t look like ClassTag made it in, though the docs for TypeTest are floating, so I might have missed something.

ClassTags are there, of course, but they are only useful to create Arrays of genetic types. If you’re trying to use a ClassTag for anything else, it’s wrong and it will blow up when you least expect it. There’s a reason we created TypeTest and Typeable.


Might be worth looking into why TypeTest’s page isn’t accessible in the docs (I had to come into the url directly from Google to access it), and possibly update it to explain this? Google returns almost nothing immediately useful on the subject (Searching in the Dotty context returns more results, however most is on the older side and the danger you’re referring to isn’t apparent in the docs).

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They’re different things but they have a method in common

In the thread about multi-level enums there is now a post by @michel-steuwer with an interesting use case for unions with shared members:

Trust me, nobody dislikes null more than me, but you have to consider why null is bad. It’s not the mere existence of null which is the problem, it’s the fact that it inhibits every other type. In the presence of -Yexplicit-nulls this is not a problem since null has been lifted out to its own type.

The only benefit you get from your Empty class over null is that it allows you to call toString. I don’t have any specific pitfalls in mind, it’s just that Option and Null has better support.

Specifically, the flow typing support for Explicit Null, makes a lot of what you’re trying to do easier. For example you can do this works without casts:

If you need to be able to call toString etc, without checking for null, then Option is better supported and more importantly will be more recognizable for people reading your code.

Of course, Union Types in general would probably benefit a lot from wider support of flow typing, but I imagine implementing that is easier said than done.


Many thanks for your input and nice examples!! Esp. interesting that the proposed “Enhancement 1” above would require, or at least benefit from, flow typing. It would be a cool feature in a future Scala 3 version.

I enabled -Yexplicit-nulls in my build and I got 26 errors related to java integration with javax.sound.midi :flushed:. So I should start digging into all those null-unsafe places… It is a nice bonus that Scala 3 now gives me a list of all those UncheckedNull.

One goodie with the toString of Empty is that my library, intended to be used as a “chord laboritory” with the REPL as main user interface, is that structures are prettyprinted nicely in the REPL. The type signatures also read nice with Empty without type param. And if I introduce a similar concept of Silence then it is also motivated from a domain modelling perspective.

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Has the story around explicit null improved? back in version 0_28 (before the milestones and this RC), it was super broken, like, big time. Flow typing would randomly not work for trivial if (a != null) ..., extending a java class like JPanel would simply make the compiler crash, java methods would return Array[Thing | Null] | Null, and using .nn would only remove the outer layer, etc etc

Edit: As of RC1, extending JPanel with explicit null on doesn’t crash the compiler, it still fails to compile with a weird error that seems to be it’s failing to parse the members of JPanel.