Making union types even more useful

Yes, we can use the familiar HasX here

trait HasPitchClasses: 
  def pitchClasses: Set[PitchClass]

but still kind of artificial from a domain perspective as Chord and Scale are different things. Creating these HasX feels a bit boilerplaty, but the contract + docs-in-one-place-argument is of course strong.

But what about Set[PitchClass] in the Filter union? I could of course wrap it in

case class PitchClasses(pitchClasses: Set[PitchClass]) extends HasPitchClasses

but then I get some confusion of when to use Set[PitchClass] and PitchClasses from the library user’s point of view, and I wouldn’t want to open Pandoras box of implicit conversion here (see other exciting thread :slight_smile: ).

And we have Empty in the union, which I use in more places than just as “is a HasPitchClass thing” so, I want to avoid using inheritance there.

So all in all I found the

type Filter = Empty | Set[PitchClass] | Scale | Chord

to be so nice and clean :heart:

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