Improve readability/learnability of extension methods

Or maybe even better thing would be to pick not the first, but the last parameter list (it would still have to be singleton).
Then something like this would work:

class Sequence[A](...)
def map(f: A => B)(s: Sequence[A]): Sequence[B] = ???
def filter(p: A => Boolean)(s: Sequence[A]): Sequence[A] = ???
// de-sugars to `map(f)(sequence)`, since
// * `Sequence` doesn't have a member `map` and
// * `map(...)(s: Sequence[A])` is in scope
// de-sugars to `filter(isEven)(map(f)(sequence))`

// and these same function can also be used on their own very nicely, especially with chaining
map(plus1) andThen filter(isEven)

What would you guys think? /cc @odersky