Deprecate assignment to underscore

I found that scalaz has a Default, although itā€™s only for testing.

@som-snytt Thatā€™s interesting about the semantics of _ and the ordering of assignment and declaration in the constructor.

For now anyway, if someone wants fancier notion of default, itā€™s certainly possible now, and itā€™s not difficult. Itā€™s perfectly good to not have it baked into the language.

Feel free to try it! I published this to maven central so it will appear soon.

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I donā€™t think default values for types are sound. Surely what we need is to be able to annotate operations (methods) as monoids, and give the operation an identity value.

I just donā€™t think this relatively uncommon case deserves special syntax. Iā€™ve seen people often argue that _ has too many meanings today; this would reduce that count by 1.


Yeah, agreed. This isnā€™t used much that Iā€™ve seen; itā€™s another overload of _; it causes more than its fair share of confusion among newbies; and it can easily introduce bugs if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. I think itā€™s one of those places where the language got a little too ā€œcleverā€, and would benefit from dropping it.

Using underscore as a default initializer is an anti-pattern. If the type is known to be AnyRef or some AnyVal subtype, we can just put the desired value directly; if not, it wonā€™t work anyway.

Deprecate assignment to underscore

I guess it was invented to support things like this:

class VaribleBox[T] {
  var value:T = _

new VaribleBox[Int].value        //0
new VaribleBox[String].value   //null

maybe something like this would be enough:

//instead of this
val c:T = _
//we could chose one of those
val c:T = Any.default[T] // don't like this one. Name default could be misleading  
val c:T = Any.emptyOf[T]
val c:T = Any.emptyValue[T]
val c:T = Null.valueFor[T]

I guess this could be introduced even in 2.13 and old notation could be simply deprecated. This is rather not popular feature.

Default/Empty typeclass

proposal to add Default or Empty typeclass or method somwhere in standard library seams to satisfy all users needs, but it needs to be carefully implemented.

assume that there should be implicit val default ....

This is to limited i guess! This pollutes user-space to much and does not give any flexibility! Default/Empty typeclass if introduced should give something more than simple null!

It could be implemented as something that provides instances for simple types

trait Default[T] {def get():T }
object Default {
  def apply[T](a:T) = new Default[T] { def get():T = a }
  implicit val intDefault = apply(0)
  implicit val doubleDefault = apply(0) 
  implicit val stringDefault = apply("")

andā€™ll generate instances for anything that have default constructor or apply() method on companion object (this cannot be representet typesafely in current scala as i know).
For types that has nothing like that itā€™ll just not compile. Not sure now where it could be needed (and this is sign that probably we should ignore this idea).

To be fair, this only works in the Int case because null.asInstanceOf[Int] == 0, as T is not specialized and thus simply Object in bytecode.

Itā€™s the other way around. null.asInstanceOf[Int] == 0 only works because thatā€™s needed to correctly support generic fields with = _.


Okay, now I have to chime in. I consider it critical that we be able to get a default value for a type parameter in a way that is accessible for fairly novice coders. I donā€™t care exactly what it is. Iā€™m fine with var default: A = _ or null.instanceOf[A], or something else that takes about that much code. The reason is that there are data structures that are taught in early semesters of CS that really benefit from having a default value. The most obvious example is the sentinel node in a doubly-linked list. Any proposal that makes this more difficult would have a negative impact on the teachability of Scala in early CS courses.

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As long as you never pass it back to the user of the collection (so ok for a sentinel), null.asInstanceOf[A] will always work, because of erasure.

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As long as that doesnā€™t change, Iā€™m good. I donā€™t really care exactly how I get a default value for a type parameter as long as there is always a simple way to do it that I can explain fairly easily to students.

I really donā€™t see the need for the language to change. If you want different behavior than _, what are you wanting that canā€™t be had from a library? I really recommend that anyone who is serious about getting an alternative to _ first use a library. I published mine to Maven Central and youā€™re free to fork it and play with it.

@scalway Yes youā€™re right I forgot the implicit keyword in my post. The later code you gave is basically the same as what I wrote for

Defaults are a little bit more complicated than many posts here imply.
They are intertwined with the uninitialized state.

Note that assignment to underscore results in the same value as an uninitialized val.

Critically, this is what is inside a fresh array

println(new Array[Int](1)(0))
println(new Array[String](1)(0))

are analogous to printing out a val of those types that is uninitialized or a var assigned to underscore. Any plans to allow defaults being different than uninitialized values is going to get complicated by arrays.

Valhalla (last I checked, I have a month of mailing list to catch up on though), decided that value types will not have custom defaults for a variety of reasons. The default value will be the same as the uninitialized value (in line with ā€˜codes like a class, works like an intā€™) ā€“ meaning numeric members will be 0 and references null. A class can modify its accessors to interpret that differently.

Perhaps a Date class would be encoded as a byte for the day, a byte for the month, and an int for the year ā€“ but if the default is January 1, 1970 the accessors will have to add 1, 1, and 1970 respectively.

Any other choice would make the array allocation path quite a bit slower. And class allocation as well, as there is a desire for the uninitialized state and default to be the same. Getting all 0ā€™s back from the allocator is cheap, as it clears them in bulk. Writing arbitrary user defined bit patterns to fresh arrays or objects (or bits on the stack) is not going to be fast.

There is still some debate on the topic, at least a few weeks ago. But the relationship between user defined defaults, uninitialized values and array allocation are the key things to take note of.


The Valhalla discussion around default values from a couple months culminated in this:

That applies in general to language design and not just the VM, in particular points 2 and 3 should echo strongly for anyone who has dealt with messy Scala object initialization issues and had to play ā€˜lazy val whack a moleā€™ to uncover initialization order issues.

Default values that depend on other default values where the default is not the same as the uninitialized value can lead down a path through bugs of unusual size (BOUSā€™s) to a pit of despair.

I would keep the assignment to underscore unless we had even simpler syntax for ā€˜uninitialized varā€™. Honestly, that is the only time I think it is needed is when declaring a var ā€“ maybe we can allow var x: Int instead of saying its abstract, to make it the same as if it was assigned _ and a default value. That does cause some inconsistencies with val, however. Iā€™m not sure we need the case of re-assigning the default later, or at least that is significantly more rare and null.asInstanceOf[A] is good enough (though that might be slower).

Just to make this as clear as possible:

class A[T] { var x: T = _ }

is equivalent to

class A[T] { var x: T }

which is equivalent to

class A[T] { var x: T = null }

No, there are differences.

class A[T] { var x: T }

declares an abstract field. So it doesnā€™t compile because A needs to be abstract.

class A[T] { var x: T = null }

doesnā€™t compile either, because null has type Null which is not a subtype of T. You could rewrite it as

class A[T] { var x: T = null.asInstanceOf[T] }

which would then almost be equivalent to var x: T = _, except that there is a reassignment to null after the call to the super constructor, whereas there is no such reassignment in var x: T = _. This is observable in contrived examples:

abstract class Base {
  def init(): Unit

class A[T](someT: T) extends Base {
  var x: T = _
  val y: T = x

  def init(): Unit = x = someT

val a = new A[String]("foo")

this displays foo. But if you use

var x: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]

it will display null


May be it should be explained in .
I think that we need seperate bold section for it :slight_smile:

I remember when I had started to work with scala the google told me to make something like

class A[T >: Null](someT: T)  {
  var x: T = null
  val y: T = x

  def init(): Unit = x = someT

In the end, I lost about two days to find out and fix that mistake in my final class hierarchy.

Yes, I have understood all these differences, but ā€¦,ā€¦ ,ā€¦ :slight_smile:

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What Iā€™m proposing is that one could make var x: Int be interpreted as the existing var x: Int = _ for concrete classes and local variables. This is a bit odd since the former currently means that it is abstract, and it would be inconsistent with other places where there is no = on the RHS (except for procedure syntax). It also might not parse well and cause some ambiguities that require inserting a semicolon ( var x: Int; ) which Iā€™m sure will be despised if true.

Assignment to underscore is identical to ā€˜uninitializedā€™ in this case, and would have the same bytecode ā€“ none!

var x: Int = null.asInstanceOf[Int] is not the same bytecode, there is both an unboxing of null to Int and a write of the default value to the variable and this will have performance and bytecode size consequences. And some of those consequences would be significant ā€“ look at the standard library and collections today, and how frequently a var + loop is used for performance reasons. If all of these gain useless bytecode and ceremony to use a private temporary var, there will be performance consequences.

For cases where the type is known and 0 or null can be assigned, the JVM / JIT can usually optimize away the extra assignment, but this is not always the case (JS?) and the extra bytecode does matter.

My proposal goes against the intent of the original proposal, which has some examples where the default (null) can lead to bugs such as var perhaps: Option[String] = _. To me those things look like tasks for a linter. I think Scala needs the ability to have an uninitialized var for performance reasons.
If the primary desire is to change up syntax though, to remove one more use of _, then my proposal here can do that, although only by introducing a different quirk for var.

Your proposal does not allow to declare a concrete uninitialized var in an abstract class anymore.