Compiler-plugin for protocol verification

I half agree. Once you get Sonatype set up, sbt-ci-release makes releasing pretty painless. But getting Sonatype set up initially is still pretty hard IMO — sbt-ci-release is powerless to do anything about that (except provide good instructions, which it does).



I was wondering if anyone knows any examples in Scala (or another language) of programs which have aliasing in them?

Aliasing would be if there is an object referenced by two names such as:
val a = new Class
val b = a
where both a and b refer to the same object in memory (aka a and b are aliases).

For the examples to be relevant the aliased object(s) should have a protocol they need to follow (aka have to call methods in a specified order).

The example program(s) should be a least somewhat commonly used and/or have some real world application. (For example I have used SMTP as an example)
Also, the aliased objects should not be attributes of another class as my program doesn’t support this…

Thanks for any help or advie on this and I am happy to clarify anything confusing.