3.5.0 release thread

@Gedochao Yes, it will be automatically released starting from 3.6.0, but let me check if I can manually release 3.5.0 to winget this afternoon. I will report here when it’s done !


That would be awesome!

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I forgot about this, but we need the msi to release on winget. Unfortunately, The installer will only be available starting from 3.6.0. For now, and as @Gedochao mentionned earlier, Chocolatey is the best solution for Windows users. I’ve already released on chocolatey 3.5.0 yesterday and 3.4.3 today. We have also made available all the Scala 3 versions down to 3.0.2.


Ok good to know. Thanks anyway!

Chocolatey is the best solution

Just curious about it’s pros over winget from a Scala beginner point of view?